Augusto Boal Condolence Registry from ITO site
Augusto Boal Condolence Registry From ITO site
This page contains personal statements by members of the Theatre of the Oppressed community following the departure of Augusto Boal.
From: Amy
Date: Aug 2nd 2010, 17:34:32
Your work lives on. Thank you, beloved Augusto.
From: Susi
Date: Jul 21st 2010, 18:09:36
Dear Augusto, Thank you for making me learn more about your works and your different ways to help people. The Theatre of the Oppressed is the key to solve the problems of the society now.
From: Silvia Balestreri
Date: Mar 16th 2010, 15:16:14
Boal, querido, preferi escrever em seu aniversário, afinal se trata mais de celebrar sua vida do que de lamentar sua morte. Mais do que falar da falta que você faz, quero afirmar sua presença na vida e no trabalho de tanta gente: seu humor, seu carinho, sua garra, sua positividade, suas histórias, suas idéias, sua militância, sua arte. Agradeço a felicidade de ter convivido com você e Cecilia e de ter aprendido tanto! O CTO-Rio tem razão: você vive! Feliz Dia Internacional de Teatro do Oprimido! Um beijo, um abraço e muito carinho sempre. Silvia
From: Annoymous []
Date: Jan 7th 2010, 11:41:36
Dearest Augusto, I have just discovered your work and it amazes me how much you revolutionised this wonderful artform and it pains me to see you gone just as I am discovering the wonders of your work. May you rest in peace
From: Rebecca Willis
Date: Jan 3rd 2010, 16:12:51
When i discovered your work my life changed direction. You are a great inspiration. May you rest in peace . Thankyou.
From: Ben Saypol
Date: Jul 24th 2009, 09:27:41
Thank you, Augusto, for all that you gave us.
From: Fritz Letsch
Date: Jun 11th 2009, 22:57:33
Dear friends, nearly 12 years ago we had an evening circle at the international festival in toronto to talk about the influence of Paulo Freire in our live and work. He was the tree, we belonged to, our works are also fruits of his ideas. Now, thinking of all the really great projects and times with Augusto, I feel connected to all of you, thinking the same way and doing the same work at all the different countries and situations in the world. My feelings are with all, sharing Augustos live and work, thank you for spreading information and holding contact, together we will carry it on for a better world for all, Fritz
From: Arne Engelstad
Date: Jun 7th 2009, 15:25:13
Dear Augusto, miss you very much. Still I am deeply grateful to have known you for nearly 30 years. You will never be forgotten.
From: Becky Swain
Date: Jun 5th 2009, 22:00:03
When I think of you I think of courage and the heart of what it means to be human. The courage of grace under pressure and the courage to meet the worlds’ darker forces and oppression continually with gentleness, generosity and fire. It is for us now to keep the heat of resistance flowing for a world we deserve to share in peace and play. Somehow or other I only knew of your passing today. I never met you, except through your work and I will continue to sometimes ask myself, ‘What might Boal suggest here?’ or ‘what game might help resolve things here?’ or ‘Is being a spectactor the only true exchange of energy in theatre that is worth the wait?’ Long may the values of your life and work continue to inspire others to be the best they can be, regardless of the scale of the conflicts or challenges we may have faced.
From: Beatriz Pasamón
Date: Jun 5th 2009, 09:16:26
You have left us and the whole world will miss you without even knowing it. There’s less air to breathe, now. But there’s the hope that you’ll never be gone completely. Your heart, your passion, the essence of you will always be ours, and the work will carry on. See you, Augusto.
From: cathrine brun
Date: Jun 3rd 2009, 20:00:20
Send lots of love. see you on the other side, one day this day living forever dancing playing from day til dawn
From: T’OP! Théâtre de l’Opprimé
Date: Jun 2nd 2009, 13:02:43
J’imagine ta tristesse, cet homme que je n’ai jamais vu, j’ai l’impression de l’avoir connu par ton intermédiaire Merci à Augusto pour le groupe de Pourquoi Pas, pour nombre d’entre nous il nous a permis de porter une parole, mais surtout il nous a donné, rendu la parole, et quelle parole ! publique et artistique… oui tout le monde peut faire de théâtre mais pas seulement tout le monde : moi aussi. Lundi soir justement Marie-Pierre intervenait à l’Assemblée Générale de l’Association Pourquoi Pas, elle présentait une partie du rapport d’activité d’une voix forte et posée en nous regardant dans les yeux. Avant le Théâtre de l’Opprimé, je n’avais pas remarqué à quel point ses yeux sont bleus et comment elle peut être belle quand elle sourit (ce qui ne lui arrive toujours pas très souvent) et sa voix n’était qu’un murmure… C’est vrai, on n’a pas changé la société, ni notre ville ou notre quartier, mais on a tous un peu changé et été touchés par cette aventure. Affectueusement Véronique
From: T’OP! Théâtre de l’Opprimé
Date: Jun 2nd 2009, 13:01:04
78 ans…j’en ai 26 et voilà 5 ans j’ai expérimenté pour la première fois la méthode du théâtre de l’opprimé. Peu à peu je la mets en pratique. Aujourd’hui, elle n’est pas anodine dans mes choix de vie, elle a décalé de quelques peu mes pas. Je sors un peu plus de mes gonds. Je sors un peu plus de mes nuages pour dire un peu plus la rage de constater et de vouloir bouger ce monde encore trop rempli d’oppressions. Le départ d’Augusto, pour moi, c’est le moment de remercier les militants de l’égalité, de la liberté, de la solidarité, de la créativité qui me précèdent et ceux aussi qui me transmettent aujourd’hui leurs valeurs, leurs méthodes. Ceux qui proposent du sens, des directions dans ce monde qui en manque cruellement! Comprendre un système, les systèmes et y mettre au centre l’humain et sa volonté d’agir sur le monde tout en partageant cette même volonté avec d’autres. Le théâtre de l’opprimé me pousse à être à l’écoute de la souffrance et des tentatives des opprimés. Il me demande d’être plus humble et de regarder en face mes propres oppressions. C’est pas de tout repos mais j’ai le témoignage qu’on peut faire un bout de chemin à plusieurs sur le sol de ce monde avec le théâtre de l’opprimé. C’est des rencontres, encore des rencontres pour se dépasser et bouger ce qui paraîtrait à première vue trop cristallisé. Hélène Jeune Joker de Lille
From: T’OP! Théâtre de l’Opprimé
Date: Jun 2nd 2009, 13:00:26
A pour Amoureux du geste, de l’ image et du mot U pour Univers plein d’étoiles dans les yeux des marmots G comme le Goût des autres et des chemises à fleurs U comme Unis dans les combats refusant le malheur S comme ton Sourire et l’allégresse T pour Théâtre, Travail et Tendresse O pour “je n’ Oublierai jamais” B comme Brésil bien sûr O brigado, gracie mille, merci pour ce cadO offert au monde A comme Acteur, Acteur pour une terre un peu plus ronde L pour Lutter toujours Pascal Compagnie Entr’act
From: T’OP! Théâtre de l’Opprimé
Date: Jun 2nd 2009, 12:58:49
Nous avons toutes été très touchées par la mort d’Augusto Boal. Nous serons de tout coeur avec vous tous, avec tous ceux qui continuent de par le monde à porter le TO. Je n’ai malheureusement pas pu rencontrer l’homme mais son théâtre me parle et continuera de me parler tant que je serai debout. Je vous embrasse tous et à notre façon, nous rendrons nous aussi encore un hommage à Augusto. Myriam pour ACTOR.
From: T’OP! Théâtre de l’Opprimé
Date: Jun 2nd 2009, 12:57:59
Augusto, Je t’appelais « Tonton Augusto », ou « papa Boal » c’était selon… On peut dire que tu faisais un peu partie de ma famille. C’est peu après ma naissance que mon père a commencé à travailler avec toi alors j’ai grandit entre les répétitions et les théâtre-forums, te croisant, toi, ce chevelu à l’accent chantant, à Paris. Ils me paraissaient tous dingues ces gens qui faisaient du théâtre de l’opprimé : d’abord ils parlaient fort et dans plein de langues différentes, remuaient beaucoup. Complètement passionnés par une méthode assez étrange. Quand j’ai commencé le théâtre, à 11 ans, je m’étais juré que je ne ferais « pas du théâtre de l’Opprimé » mais du « vrai » théâtre. Puis à 17 ans, le Théâtre de l’Opprimé à Paris organisait un stage d’initiation et je m’y suis inscrite pour voir. Loin de confirmer mon envie de m’en éloigner, peu après j’ai suivi un stage Arc-en-Ciel avec toi, Augusto, puis un autre puis un autre… Petit à petit j’ai joué, animé, transmis à d’autres, joké. Me voilà maintenant joker quasiment à temps plein dans l’équipe lilloise. Et des années après comme aujourd’hui, je participe aux stages organisés par les uns et les autres comme on revoit la famille. Pourquoi ? moi qui m’étais juré de ne pas tomber dedans et de ne pas faire comme mon père ! Je crois que cela faisait déjà partie de moi que je le veuille ou non. J’ai appris, durant ces années à changer de regard, sur les autres et sur la société. Le théâtre ne devenait plus une fin en soit mais un moyen. Mon esprit critique s’est développé et je trouvais dans le théâtre de l’opprimé une utilité, un but, un « être ensemble » que je ne trouvais pas ailleurs théâtralement. Aujourd’hui quand je travaille avec un groupe, j’ai le même but : lutter contre une oppression. Et tous, nous sommes en recherche. Le théâtre prenait une notion de responsabilité : jouer oui mais pourquoi ? Jouer pour lutter et lutter pour vivre, pour gagner de la force, pour en transmettre, pour se rassembler, pour inventer une société meilleure. Alors aujourd’hui, mon « vieil oncle » s’en va. Comme tu l’as constaté avec humour, les générations suivantes sont là et, dans les pattes de leurs parents, elles ont sans doute pris et appris plus que tu ne pensais ! Alors oui, avec Julian, Anthony, avec la génération de nos parents qui nous a appris, avec les nouveaux que nous rencontrons ici et là, avec les liens qui ses sont resserés par exemple avec Jana Sanskriti en Inde, avec notre équipe du nord de la France, nous comptons bien continuer à lutter pour une monde plus juste ! Marion Martel TOP Lille
From: T’OP! Théâtre de l’Opprimé
Date: Jun 2nd 2009, 12:57:11
J’apprends une bien triste nouvelle, beaucoup de souvenirs me sont revenus toute la journée, tous ces stages suivis auprès d’Augusto, je me souviens de son énergie qu’il nous transmettait, de son sourire, de sa capacité à nous faire rêver et agir, ses talents de conteur….tu te souviens quand il racontait comment le théâtre avait été créé.. et puis tant de choses…la création d’ En Vie, les Rencontres Internationales… Heureusement il y a toujours le TO et les jeunes jokers qui vont poursuivre avec l’énergie et l’audace de leur jeunesse, car il y a du boulot, hélas. Marie Adenier
From: T’OP! Théâtre de l’Opprimé
Date: Jun 2nd 2009, 12:52:15
Augusto Boal était de ces personnes que l’on rencontre une fois, et que l’on n’oublie plus jamais. Je suis fière et honorée de l’avoir fréquenté, le temps d’un stage, l’année dernière à Paris, et de m’être abreuvée de ses paroles si riches. Il restera, dans ma mémoire, un être humain d’exception. Geraldine
From: T’OP! Théâtre de l’Opprimé
Date: Jun 2nd 2009, 12:51:15
Solidairement et chaleureusement, dans la peine et dans la lutte qui continue, Fanny
From: T’OP! Théâtre de l’Opprimé
Date: Jun 2nd 2009, 12:50:23
Pour moi, c’est simple : je suis heureuse d’avoir pu travailler rien qu’un peu, une petite semaine, avec ce grand bonhomme et grâce à toi Jean-François, qui m’a fait participer à ce stage à Paris. Cette rencontre m’a tout simplement bouleversée et marquée de façon indélébile. Très intimidée d’abord à l’idée de partager des séances de travail avec vous 2 réunis et perturbée que j’étais en retrouvant par hasard des lieux de mon enfance! J’étais dans une espèce de coton et la maîtrise et la douceur d’Augusto m’ont enveloppée et puis relâchée tout doucement… J’avais occulté que ce stage s’intitulait “Théâtre et Thérapie” “(Arc-en-ciel-du-désir)… et bon sang ,en une semaine j’ai fait un bond en avant en prise de conscience d’un tas de choses de ma vie et des années après je repense encore (comme une petite fille!…) à son baiser sur mon front après que j’ai pleuré et à sa voix “ne pleure pas, ne t’inquiète pas, je suis là”. C’est exactement ce dont j’avais besoin à ce moment-là! Ces mots inscrits sur son livre que je garde chaudement, pour ça merci Augusto! Pour le côté politique, bravo à tous ceux qui perpétuent à travers le monde son travail multiplié. Partout où il y a souffrance et injustice, il y a grande cause à défendre et mes quelques petites expériences avec le théâtre de l’opprimé m’ont convaincue de cela et continuent à me faire grandir là où je suis pour ce que je fais et à mon échelle. Catherine
From: T’OP! Théâtre de l’Opprimé
Date: Jun 2nd 2009, 12:48:02
Je voudrais rendre hommage à Augusto BOAL avec qui j’ai partagé 17 années de vie et de lutte au CTO de Paris. Puisse cette journée honorer ce grand homme qui a su emmener avec lui un nombre incroyable de personnes, pour lutter contre l’oppression, nous rendre acteurs de nos vies, et de notre citoyenneté. Quand j’ai lu son livre “Théâtre de l’opprimé ” en 1980, je me suis dit : « C’est exactement comme cela que je veux faire du théâtre. » Nous sommes en 2009 et je n’ai jamais arrêté. Merci Augusto. Je voudrais transmettre une grande pensée réconfortante à Cécilia et Julian que j’ai souvent croisé, au groupe CTO Rio que j’ai rencontré en 1993 lors de la rencontre internationale, et tous ses proches. Dans une vie, il y a des rencontres qui laissent des traces indélébiles, celles qui emmènent dans un grand mouvement de vie. Augusto en fait parti… Bien à toi Bien à vous Annie quentin
From: T’OP! Théâtre de l’Opprimé
Date: Jun 2nd 2009, 12:47:08
Peine infinie amitié, Andréine
From: marcia mattar
Date: Jun 2nd 2009, 10:23:39
I’m brazilian, Phisicist, working with people who suffers Pains(acute and Chronic) and i’ve worked with Boal in The !(00’s, when he developed his desire’s rainbow book. It was an very importat experience for my life and professional work, for 2 years we worked every week, exploring our bodies and souls, with freedom and humanity. Today the world is sad and poor. Augusto has died in Rio and all his admirers in the world are silent in reverence of him. We’ll miss him and love him ever.
From: Caroline Farrell
Date: Jun 2nd 2009, 10:22:17
Augusto Boal, rest in peace as you lived in peace. Your humanity will forever shine through the work and legacy that you leave behind.
From: Solveig Pedersen
Date: Jun 2nd 2009, 10:21:06
I will never forget the time I spent with CTO and Augusto Boal in Rio. The world has lost a great man, but his work lives on in our hearts and in projects all over the world!
From: Dani Lyndersay
Date: Jun 2nd 2009, 10:20:15
My heart is broken! I have known Augusto since 1981 when he gave us a memorable workshop in Villach, Austria and have continued to use his many techniques in my teaching in Canada, Nigeria, Switzerland, Holland and now for the past 15 years in Trinidad & Tobago. The month of May here is always a time when Theatre of the Oppressed is seen in a multitude of different Forum theatre productions around this country as I and my colleagues watch and assess our students’ assimilation and adaptions of Boal’s work: tomorrow one group “performs/plays to/works with” the army, another with a group of young addictive drug survivors, and the list goes on for the whole month. We will all honour Boal with continued love and gratefullness for the inspiration he has given so so many people across world. May he rest in peace and look down on his children with smiles of pride and comfort in his eyes and on his face. Always, dani
From: Bobbi Kidder
Date: Jun 2nd 2009, 10:19:32
He lifted us all and inspired us. I use something from his books and ideas every day of my life, so I carry him in my heart and in my work. Bobbi
From: Tor Iorapuu
Date: Jun 2nd 2009, 10:18:47
I feel sad at the news of my invissible mentor. Only this morning I was talking to a colleague about Boal, and just this evening I am reading about his passing on. My desire has been to encounter Boal personally, but now that I have only encountered his works, I will learn to give life to the works. We need his works more than ever in Nigeria.
From: Dawn Tann
Date: Jun 2nd 2009, 10:17:30
Gracias y Viva Boal! In any language, thank you for opening our eyes and showing us the way. Dawn, CT
From: Aretta Baumgartner
Date: May 27th 2009, 15:36:27
Augusto’s work and play changed my life as a performer, teacher, and human being. I will continue to celebrate him in every show, workshop and encounter. Thank you. (Cincinnati, OH, USA)
Date: May 26th 2009, 16:22:04
From: phil jacobs
Date: May 26th 2009, 14:47:23
his ideas transformed my concept of theatre. As a trainee actor i never fully realised the power of theatre to create change and action in an audience untill i came across Augusto Boal. I attended two of his workhshops in the UK . Nottingham and Bristol. His book games for actors and non-actors is my reference book and bible. Although i am sad at his death i know that his work and ideas are being carried on throughout the world. P Jacobs cornwall uk
From: jess davies
Date: May 24th 2009, 20:09:37
Augusto’s work is vital for us. It teaches us to be creative in such a full way, creative within ourselves and with each other. It’s about compassion in action, humility, understanding, respect – and loving life. What a gift he has given us. A lovely man, he helped me reconnect with parts of myself I never knew I’d lost. Thank you Augusto.
From: Kate Sanders-Fleming
Date: May 24th 2009, 04:28:14
My contact thus far with TO has been to delve into Boal’s wondrous book, games for actors and non-actors. Thank you Boal, you have been part of a sparking in my life- the guts to dive into theater, slowly and each day surer and surer, as a place to pour honesty into the risky and juicy space of live un-mediated dialogue between each of us, with ourselves and others, challenging each others to greater truth, love, commitment to life and faith in ourselves as interwoven and able to commit to living with each other for each other. finding out you have died at first feels a disappointment, a missed opportunity, until i feel it through enough to realize it is in fact a surprise motivating me to further commitment to the risk of diving in. thank you, and blessings to all of us
From: Abigail Anderson
Date: May 24th 2009, 01:07:04
Our lives are so brief and yet they swell with faces, experiences and events. I have lived a comparatively long life and worked in education and the arts in schools here in Quebec (Canada). I worked and learned with Augusto in New York @ the Brecht Forum and later in Rio. He was a person who cultivated hope and creativity in the lives of strangers. He could laugh and smile with incredible humility and his love for humanity was without horizon. I would hope we will take Augusto into the present with each one of us, each and every day.
From: Ann Karin Orset
Date: May 20th 2009, 21:16:56
Thank you for all the tings I’ve learnd from you. You really got me INSPIRED!
From: AustralianImpressed
Date: May 20th 2009, 00:54:58
It is sad time to know that such a great influencer and changer has now left us. Augusto Boal will be sorely missed. However all that he has created and inspired will live on in many forms, touching lives around the world. For me, he started my passion for theatre and justice which I now am working in. So thank you, to a great man, and to TO, know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all.
From: krystof-theatre
Date: May 19th 2009, 16:56:53
Je n’ai rencontré Augusto Boal qu’à travers ses livres. je tiens à le remercie pour tous ce qui l’a apporté au monde. sincères condoléances à sa famille, je suis de tout coeur avec eux. je rendrais homage à Augusto lors de mes prochains stages de théâtre forum en juin…Christophe
From: Emel Yilmaz
Date: May 18th 2009, 10:15:13
Good bye Augusto Boal and thank you for all your work for us to have Hope! You will be missed.
From: Anne Britt Frimand Storholm
Date: May 16th 2009, 10:40:37
Thank you for all you have given us. The days in Mo i Rana 2006 with Julian and Augusto Boal will never be forgotten.
From: Maria Buccolo
Date: May 15th 2009, 10:56:10
Con dispiacere apprendo la notizia della scomparsa del Grande Augusto Boal che ho avuto il piacere di conoscere il 25 marzo scorso durante la sua premiazione all’Unesco. A lui va un ricordo speciale e un grazie di cuore per tutto quello che ha fatto per l’umanità! Avrò l’onore di ricordarlo con un messaggio spaciale il 12 Giugno a Firenze al Forum di Teatro e Gioco nelle Organizzazione. Ricordo il tuo sorriso grazie ancora per quello che ci lasci! Maria
From: Manya
Date: May 15th 2009, 10:35:34
Yet another page has turned in my love story with TO, and in relation to the man who, with such natural ease and charisma, turned a such a massive page in my life, in my heart, in my spirit – it’s a great priviledge to be with you all celebrating his life and ours.
From: Bart Corduwener
Date: May 14th 2009, 10:19:06
Dear Augusto, Thank you for being here, inspiring so many people with your idees, work in progress and never ending energy. Now it is ended. What you left is wonderfull. Thank you again. I know your energy is still with us. We go on. Have a nice rest.
From: Evan []
Date: May 12th 2009, 19:19:22
I just wanted to say thank you to Augusto for enriching my life and the world with his soul, his kindness, his humour and his ideas. It was a privilege to study with him and he empowered me to continue his vision. If we could each contribute even one percent that he did to this world, it would be a better place to live. Now, more than ever does, the world needs to adopt his philosophies and keep his candle burning bright. It is a deep loss, but we are all fortunate to have had him.
From: Jenny Scott []
Date: May 12th 2009, 09:14:07
Felt compelled to write to pass on my condolences and wishes to you at this sad time. I am currently writing a PhD in law at the University of Glasgow. I was so inspired by the work of Augusto Boal and also his close friend and colleague, Paulo Friere that I endeavour to inspire the world of legal justice. My work hopes to use Boal’s techniques to underpin the present (UK) system of trial by jury then possibly, in the future we can have a system which is not just symbolic of justice but is actually able to empower jurors to deliver verdicts based on truly felt understanding which is borne out of effective communication and dialogue. I wanted to convey my deepest gratitude to Augusto Boal and I hope perhaps in some small way my current work will form a tiny part of the on-going inspiration that is left by such a wonderfully inspirational man.
From: Jun Saturay
Date: May 12th 2009, 08:46:39
We’ve never met Augusto, nor read any of his writings before we came to Europe as political refugees. But we’ve heard so much about his work and the Theater of the Oppressed for a very long time. We’ve seen community theater groups and peasant organizations applying the concepts in the Philippines. We assume that the tiny sparks created by TO followers in the Philippines has spread to many parts of our country. Augusto will continue to live for as long as theater and art serve as weapons of liberation in the hands of the oppressed. Mabuhay ka, Augusto Boal! Viva Augusto Boal!
From: KarinBirgit Holst
Date: May 11th 2009, 17:07:53
I met Augusto Boal and his son Julian, in 2007 Skeppsholmen,Stockholm,Sweden. During my education I´ve studied about The Opressed Theater. It´s great to have a course for Augusto Boal. I´m going on with the Opressed Theater in my work in the Swedish school and my students in a age of 7 years to 15 years.
From: Cesar de Lima e Silva
Date: May 11th 2009, 16:20:36
Once I saw Boal walking at Arpoador. He had a small body but a great presence. I never had the chance to get presented to him. And I know very little of his work. Hope to have the time to fix it. May his spirit be in peace.
From: Dahlia Sabbour – Cairo, Egypt
Date: May 11th 2009, 13:41:06
“We teach what we need to learn.” Thank you, Augusto Boal, for showing me the truth of this statement through the gift of Theatre of the Oppressed that you offered the world. Even as teachers, we continue to be students; rehearsing for revolutions, seeking transformations, and always finding the courage to cross that line with interventions that give us back our voice, and remind us of our personal power. You have shown me over and over again how life is endless theatre, always inviting, open and full of possibility. Your legacy will live on through all of us, your faithful, loving students.
From: Vibeke Preus Bech
Date: May 11th 2009, 07:02:01
You influenced a whole world, always present, never forgotten
From: Gnesh C Padhi
Date: May 11th 2009, 05:11:03
Augusto Boal was not just a human being, he is a Phenomenon which can’t be stopped. A phenomenon to change the world……we shall continue to fight.
From: Ulises Moreno
Date: May 11th 2009, 00:53:40
Hay personas cuya visión de la utilidad de un conocimiento sobrepasa lo ya explorado y con nuevas aplicaciones expanden horizontes. Augusto fue una de ellas, su creatividad extendió el uso de lo teatral al crecimiento personal y social. Nos ha dejado un gran legado que sólo esperemos logremos llevar dignamente hacia nuevos horizontes, en estos tiempos en que los cambios personales y culturales le son tan necesarios al planeta. Tenemos como generación un gran reto y uno de nuestros guías nos ha dejado una gran herramienta. ¡Gracias Augusto Boal!
From: tim krause
Date: May 11th 2009, 00:04:26
we will not forget the roots of TO, we will not forget to fight for justice and dialogue, we will not forget to follow our desires, we will not forget to work on alternatives, we will not forget that theatre is there for everyone, we will not forget to honour our elders, we will carry on: COURAGEM DE SER FELIZ em todo lugar, na toda hora, com toda a gente!
From: Orla Hasson
Date: May 10th 2009, 18:27:31
Amor y luz a la familia, amigos y compañeros de Augusto. De una manera lo somos todos aquí… Mis lagrimas han sido de agradecimiento. Thank you for giving and living so much Boal… You’ve left us quite a bit to be getting on with, and you can be sure we’ll continue to call on you…
From: Théâtre de l’Opprimé Paris
Date: May 10th 2009, 16:38:50
Hommage rendu à Augusto Boal lors de la soirée d’ouverture du Festival Migractions au Théâtre de l’Opprimè Paris le mercredi 6 mai 2009: “De toda forma e qualidade tem..” Chers amis, Nous sommes réunis au Théâtre de l’Opprimé Paris pour l’ouverture de MigrActions 09. Accueillis par cette chanson brésilienne, si difficile à comprendre même pour nous les brésiliens, vous devez vous interroger, alors… Cette chanson a été écrite par Augusto Boal, elle appartient à la partie moins connue, ici, de son œuvre… Tout au long de cette soirée, certains de nos partenaires vous parleront des actions que nous développons ensemble en utilisant le théâtre forum. Théâtre forum, élément fondamental de la partie plus connue du travail de Augusto Boal, le théâtre de l’opprimé. Si nous avons choisi de commencer cette soirée par « Dadivas da natureza » c’est parce qu’elle est l’une des plus belles chansons de « Zumbi », l’une des pièces de théâtre écrites et mises en scène par Augusto Boal, et qu’elle marque la présence majeure de Augusto Boal dans la construction du théâtre contemporain au Brésil. Augusto Boal est mort dans la nuit du 1er au 2 mai. Nous pensons avec émotion et avec tendresse à Cecilia, qui partage sa vie, et à Fabian et Julian, ses enfants. Nous partageons la tristesse qui est la leur. La parole est maintenant donnée à nos partenaires : associations, ONGs, Mairies… pour faire vivre ici, et ensemble un peu de l’œuvre de Augusto Boal. Mais avant ça, encore un dernier mot tiré de Zumbi : “Zumbi morreu, morreu mas vai voltar, em cada negrinho que chorar…” Rui Frati et toute l’équipe du Théâtre de l’Opprimé Paris.
From: Agneta Josephson
Date: May 10th 2009, 14:55:42
Dear TO-friends all over the world, In the sadness of saying goodbye to our friend Augusto Boal I am glad to feel the strength being together with all of you. Yesterday we had silent minutes to honor Augusto in different parts of Sweden as well as all over the world. In Stockholm the sun was shining, the choir sang and the flowers we put in the sea started their journey to celebrate TO and the person who started the movement we share, Augusto Boal.
From: Naomi Alexander
Date: May 10th 2009, 12:24:08
Augusto Boal, you shaped my life in so many ways. I will always be grateful to you for your boundless energy, creativity, wisdom and inspiration. Through your ideas and insights, I have learnt about the world, about people, and about me. Since Sunday, I have been revisited by such powerful images of you: striding through a room of still images and bringing one to life; telling stories and gesticulating wildly; sitting on a throne at London City Hall for a symbolic legislative theatre session; speaking gently about your work in your office in Rio. I feel very lucky to have had you as an inspirational force in my life. You gave me the courage to be happy, to believe in change, to understand the transformative power of theatre and stories. I only met you a handful of times, and I have felt deeply affected by your passing. My heart goes out to your family and close friends in coping with the enormity of their loss. Thank you Augusto for all you have given me, for all you have given the world.
From: Angharad Turner-Fielder
Date: May 10th 2009, 08:20:05
Thank you
From: Angharad Turner-Fielder
Date: May 10th 2009, 08:16:51
Boal has taught me a new way of not only seeing theatre but a new way of viewing the world. I will always be grateful for his passion and energy for the oppressed. He has helped me believe that I can make a difference. Without even meeting him his passion, enthusiasm and ‘anything is possible’ attitude have been contagious and will continue to be so through his books and all those he has inspired. May art continue to challenge, continue to unite, continue to make ‘change’ a reality.
From: Edi Donald
Date: May 10th 2009, 03:07:31
Across oceans and time and without ever meeting him, I have been shaped and shifted by the work of this most inspiring man, and feel the gravity and significance of his loss. That I feel this means that there are countless others who have also been shaped and shifted by his existance, and these miraculous ripples will carry his work to places it did not know and that do not know him yet…but will. The power in that keeps each moment alive. Thank you.
From: clare whistler
Date: May 9th 2009, 21:22:55
To all who miss him I send you care, and hope. I had the great honour of creating a piece with Ali Campbell for his 70th birthday. I treasure his thank you and delight – clare
From: John Kelly
Date: May 9th 2009, 20:10:38
An amazing afternoon in London celebrating Augusto Boal. I am privileged to have spent time (too short) learning from him. Of course he should have been awarde a nobel peace prize in his lifetime but his influence, work & love will carryon. Well done today Adrian. My thoughts to Augusto’s family at this time. Thankyou Augusto for touching my life. John Kelly London, UK
From: Farhad & Nasrin Forutanian( INTERACT)
Date: May 9th 2009, 18:43:33
A great mind would never edges so was Agusto Bol, a man for ever. He has a big heard for art and humanity and therefor his massages lives for ever. Viva Boal
From: Carlinhos Goncalves
Date: May 9th 2009, 18:20:22
with my deepest symphathy to my colleague of art and much more. As a musician myself I had the opportunity to play at Theatro d’Arena in São Paulo Capital where I was working for 15 years and this extends to the whole family
From: Mecca Burns
Date: May 9th 2009, 18:08:15
The Rainbow of Desire has helped me distinguish and love all the colors in my soul, rather than seeing a hopeless muddle, or worse yet a monochrome.. The Physics of Truth Take a pure white light and bend the ray Separate it into all the many colors All the hues that the white light concealed Are shown in all their splendor for the naked eye to see Refracting, reflecting, revealing That the white light is a Lie For the truth comes in many colors May all the colors shine, may the truth never die… M.B. [song lyrics inspired by “The Rainbow of Desire” p.150, last paragraph]
From: Babsi
Date: May 9th 2009, 17:27:59
As I believe that this was how Augusto left this world, I hope that we all will honour him and his work by continuing to spread it in his spirit further all over the planet: “Make me always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes. So when life fades, as the fading sunset, my Spirit may come to you without shame.” (translated by Lakota Sioux Chief Yellow Lark in 1887) published in Native American Prayers – by the Episcopal Church
From: Maddi-Rose Young
Date: May 9th 2009, 13:02:30
I just started learning about Boal in my yr 9 drama class at school, from a woman who is passionate what this incredible man does. I am schocked and devistated that this man no longer is able to inspire people, but I am confident that the many people he has inspired in his short life will carry on his legacy. He was an amazing man, and i would love to grow up to be able to say truly that i have made a difference in the world. Boal can do that, because he most definatly has.
Date: May 9th 2009, 11:20:27
You woke me up, Augusto. You showed me how to see what I look at, feel what I touch and how myself to become a teacher, in solidarity with my students, passing on a working, living, singing, playing vision. Julian texted me on Thursday and said you loved your irreverent children. I was one of those. Now I love my irreverent students the most in turn: they are the age I was when I met you in 1989, and I am the age you were.For twenty years on four continents I have adapted, transmitted, celebrated and transgressed in the Theatre you showed me can be built anywhere that people open up to one another: in prisons, under trees, in schools and sometimes even in theatres. The most important journeys, projects, relationships and discoveries of my life are shot through with a golden thread that leads to you. I am grieving you today, but all my students know they are part of a living and growing movement which is unstoppable now, as it is fired by your Spirit: the greatest teacher I have met and one of the kindest men I ever hope to know. One night you sat in my flat in Camden and demonstrated the Stroboscopic Image to a (hitherto) reverential group of dinner gusts. We all opened and closed our eyes and there it was: your big, kind face “open eyes! close eyes!” as your hand waved a half eaten chicken leg, changing expression and beaming with delight. I was tired. I’d been creating a programme to adapt Forum for AIDS Education in Uganda: the first of many things I did with the vision and the toolkit (both!) that you gave me so freely. The recipe for chicken was Ugandan and you loved it. You were glad I had taken Forum there. But what you said was this: “And you, Ali, you must remember to eat, too.” That’s; how great you were. You woke me up, and I will always love you, and my life’s work will honour you daily. AXE. Ax
From: Steve Abah – Theatre for Development, Nigeria
Date: May 9th 2009, 10:49:18
It is sad, It is a mighty loss But we must glory In the legacy he has left! I first met Boal in 1985 at a workshop in London. I met him again in 1987 in Canada and in 2005 in Omaha, Nebraska. What was constant and what stood out each time was that his practice never stood still. He critiqued himself, he updated his ideas because he kept watch of world events. So his theatre grew. One amazing thing I enjoyed in all the workshops is that the world never depressed him. He told wonderful stories of how he negotiated it and of how poor people, able and disabled, inspired him. On behalf of the Nigerian Popular Theatre Alliance (NPTA)/Theatre for Development Centre (TFDC), Nigeria we send condolences to Boal’s family. But we say his works will stand the test of time. We have gained inspiration from them, we have domesticated them, and we have changed lives using them. Sleep well, Augusto! Professor Oga Steve Abah Theatre for Development Centre The Octopus, Faculty of Arts Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Nigeria
From: Jenks Okwori – Nigeria
Date: May 9th 2009, 07:59:54
THEATRE, BOAL AND THE WORLD OF ILLUSION: A TRIBUTE I heard about Boal’s death this morning from Oga Abah. I am in Abuja attending a meeting of the National Technical Working Committee of Vision 20: 2020, Nigeria and the Federal Government’s new strategic design to launch Nigeria into the World’s 20 largest economies by the year 2020. I had just spoken so passionately about Boal, and how as an individual with a global vision he has transformed the world of make- believe and the lessons that his of theatre holds for Nigeria. I know death is a necessary end that will and do come when it will, but I am not sure if this particular death is not very painful. Since morning, my mind has been playing his images, his postures during his workshop, his heavy Brazilian accented English and the melody that it produces each time he speaks. I cannot but keep playing back the debates his ideas has generated in the design and development of the theatre programme in the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria, where as student, his theatre approach converted me to the profession. And I reflect with amazement and deep wonder the extent to which his idea alone has influenced the programme of theatre studies, not just in my University but in a countless other sites of learning the world over. I cannot even begin to contemplate the magnitude of his influence both ideologically and artistically. As the person who ably and craftily translated Freire’s pedagogy of the oppressed into theatre of the oppressed his model of theatre making did not only spurn movements of unparalleled proportions in the world of illusion, but he so forcefully ideologised theatre and brought into world consciousness its reality. Boal cannot be said to have died, as a Nigerian I believe very strongly that he has merely changed sleeping places, by progressing into ancestorhood, from that spiritual high pedestal he will stand a perpetual guardian to the soul of theatre for development. With this translation into the realm of spirits he now has the capacity to be in all development theatre places at the same time through the power of his undying ideas. The more theatre of the oppressed and its varied mutative and polymorphous manifestations get used, the more Boal lives, in our minds, in our hearts, in our lives. In death Boal’s real life has become suspended and his theatre has begun. Jenkeri Zakari Okwori Department of Theatre and Performing Arts Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, NIGERIA
From: Franclin Oliveira
Date: May 8th 2009, 19:38:26
In truth I tell you that I am a better be because God allowed me to know that it is in excellent Boal … that is happy to be helpful.
From: Formaat, Workplace for Participatory Drama
Date: May 8th 2009, 13:59:36
VIVA BOAL! May 9, 8.30-10.30pm, Rotterdam A hommage to the greatest Joker of all times, Augusto Boal To our friends, colleagues and spect-actors, Augusto Boal passed away on May 2, 2009 in Rio de Janeiro. CTO Rio invites all centres, groups and sympathizers in the world for a hommage to Boal, our master, friend and companion in the struggle. Boal’s work was more than a struggle for a more just society, he let the Cashew Tree grow which now encompasses the world through the contribution of every joker, every participant, every student and every community member touched by Theatre of the Oppressed. We invite you to share in our part of the hommage to Boal on Saturday May 9 at 8.30pm in our Workplace on the Westzeedijk 513 in Rotterdam, which was officially opened by Augusto Boal in January 2008, when we celebrated the fact that he received one of the Prince Claus Awards. During the commemoration we will connect through livestreaming with the hommage being paid at CTO Rio. We will give each of you the opportunity to share your memories of Augusto Boal and Theatre of the Oppressed. Formaat will combine memories and visions of the future. Boal lives! We will sing Augusto’s birthday serenade and will continue to do this. Every year, every day there is a reason to keep his memory alive. We hope you will share this moment with us. In friendship and solidarity, The Formaat team
From: Ruwanthie de Chickera, Sri Lanka
Date: May 8th 2009, 11:56:44
thank you, my dear teacher, for all you gave.
From: Sophie James
Date: May 8th 2009, 10:20:16
Boal was and is an inspiration. His vision and his approach to the work completely reinterpreted why it is that we do what we do as actors and teachers, and opened up a whole vista of experience and imagining to people who might never have come into contact with his ideas. It is a huge honour to have shared some of his ‘games’ and ideas with my students, and explored his work as a student myself. I feel I will always be discovering what Boal’s work was about, which is a very exciting, wonderful prospect.
From: Jan Cohen-Cruz
Date: May 8th 2009, 09:45:47
What a loss, the death of Augusto Boal. What a life, endlessly creative, endlessly responsive, endlessly efficacious. There’s a Jewish saying, if you can’t go in the door, go in the window. Boal was always finding windows, new ways in, and sharing them with us all to get a better look both inside and outside ourselves. Peering in the window and rearranging the furniture as it were, the habitual way things are laid out but don’t have to be that way. While it is terrible to know I’ll never see that lovely spirit in the flesh, on this earth, again, I marvel and take comfort in the many multipliers he generated. So his work will truly continue with no end in sight. I send personal condolences to Augusto’s family as well as deep gratitude and affection for having known him.
From: Claes von Rettig
Date: May 8th 2009, 09:26:40
To Augusto, the Joker of the world, we miss you. You told us, the world is our theatre, we are its real actors, directors and spectators, and we have to change it. We have to turn the vertical horisontal, so that we can see each other and ourselves, walking the soil. We have to remake the world into the carnival it was meant to be. You taught us to shout: Stop the magic! And interfere, make it right, make it bright, make it new! Happiness is a courageous disobediance. You told us: our culture is the weapon we have, and it is all we need. You taught us that this culture is our common gift. And you proved to us that it works. So many times. And with such warmth. You set us free. Thank you from Claes von Rettig, Margareta Söderberg, Skeppsholmsfestivalen, Folkkulturcentrum, Konnsjögården, Sweden, cooperators since 1977. We want to dedicate our coming Wild Rose Festival August 13-15, to you.
From: Joyce Ward, Shift Theatre Company, Ireland
Date: May 8th 2009, 09:22:19
Sincere and heartfelt condolences to Augusto’s family, friends and colleagues. A truly humane and caring individual, he leaves the rest of us with work to do and the inspiration to change what we can where-ever there is oppression, hurt and misunderstanding of others. He has given us the huge gift of empathy and enables us to see that change and progree is always possible in the world of human interaction. Thank you Augusto for helping our world to make itself a better place to live, work and play in. Your passing is a great loss to humanity and your living, a great gain.
From: Tormod
Date: May 8th 2009, 08:39:16
Thanks, and have a wonderfull journey…
From: Nilambar Bhuinya
Date: May 8th 2009, 07:46:18
Death is not the end Death can never be the end. Death is the road. Life is the traveler. The Soul is the Guide … Our mind thinks of death. Our heart thinks of life Our soul thinks of Immortality. – : Sri Chinmoy Augusto you are with us…. ~ Nilambar
From: Julia Melim
Date: May 8th 2009, 06:05:50
A really good man has died. It is really sad to see him go because I know that he still had a lot more to say to the world. I learned so much from him and I had the pleasure to work with him at CTO-Rio. He was truly a life mentor, career mentor and someone that inspired that best in all who surrounded him. I’m so very sorry for his death and so grateful to have met him. Thank you Boal!
From: Alice Mello Cavallo
Date: May 8th 2009, 02:49:18
It was such a pleasure to hear Boal talk in Boston after experiencing several of his theater’s exercises back in Brasil where I knew about him, but never met him personally. My long journey of inspiration began here after seeing him and later taking three workshops with him and being blessed to talk to him and show him Virtual Forum Theater. I will miss Boal and I regret that I did not have a chance to show him the finished product. I am a Brazilian who met Boal outside Brazil, but I am sure I am not the only one. He was the inspiration for thousand of people and I don’t know anyone who does not love him or does not admire and is inspired by his work. Boal and Freire are two great personas from Brazil’s history and story and will never be forgotten. I wish strength and love for all of his family to cope with such a loss. Boal, we love you so much!!!! Alice
From: birgit
Date: May 8th 2009, 01:34:54
every night now before i can fall asleep it thinks inside of me, what words i could find to write here in this place. and every night different memories appear. words you said. advice you gave. what to say? i thought i’d share a silence, a moment in time, a everything and nothing at the same time. but then i feel a coward for not being able to find language that seems right.and every night another dialogue develops. and whatever i choose to say will mean that there remain another thousand things that could be said instead. in one of your workshops at one point as you usually do, you asked us what we saw. and as usual sooner or later the answer was: a man. at this occasion you said: you see a man. you see me. but i am much more than what you see and i am also much less. for all the many augustos that you were, the ones we saw and the ones we never knew, i want to express my gratefulness.
From: HIPadrón-Morales
Date: May 8th 2009, 00:47:54
It’s starting to sink in…can’t wait until it comes rushing out!
From: Edith Strauch
Date: May 7th 2009, 16:53:56
It was a joy to watch Augusto working and his passion was very impressing. My thoughts are with his family.
From: Seline , Oslo
Date: May 7th 2009, 15:52:18
A great man has left this earth, but his memory will live amoungst us all. Augusto Boal has been a great source of inspiration for so many of us all around the world!
From: Ian Mathieson
Date: May 7th 2009, 15:15:15
In running an anti-racism program for youth in Canada, I have been very lucky to be able to use Theatre of the Oppressed as a tool. But, for me Augusto Boal was always a personal teacher and guide, though I never was able to meet him in person- only thorugh his writing and the experiences of others. Boal will continue to guide my work and life and I know that his legacy will continue to grow into the future. I send my deepest condolences to his family, friends and community- I know he will be missed.
From: Runo Hellvin
Date: May 7th 2009, 14:39:50
Thank you, Augusto, for all you have been giving! I remember our meetings with gratefulness. Runo Hellvin, Oslo
From: Mario Azzopardi
Date: May 7th 2009, 13:54:21
Dear Friends Boal was a constant insipration to our community theatre work undertaken at the Malta Drama Centre. The master’s statement regarding theatre as a rehearsal for life became our motivating principle and our students, hundreds of them, carry Boal’s message on their T-shirts. We are proud that the Malta Drama Centre has introduced Theatre of the Oppressed in many European institutions. On the sasme day of Boal’s demise, a group of our actors flew to Greece to research for Forum Theatre an important social issues related to the health hazards provoked by the indiscriminate installation of radar antennas on Hortiatis Hill, in Thessaloniki. We promise to continue to receive inspiration from the unique philosophy of Augusto Boal in favour of the disadvantaged and the voiceless.
From: Cardboard Citizens
Date: May 7th 2009, 12:19:39
Dear Friends, As people around the world gather to pay tribute to Augusto Boal, we would like to invite everyone in London who knew Augusto or was inspired by his work to join us on Saturday for an informal event at Oxford House (Bethnal Green) in celebration of his memory. We invite anyone who would like to come along and offer anything, please to do so, and tell anyone else you think might be interested. The event will be informal, and only loosely structured. A few simple games or exercises, any readings anybody wants to give, maybe a bit of video, statements, memories, images, anything Boalian… Oxford House Derbyshire St, Bethnal Green, London E2 6HG. We will start promptly at 2.00 and we have the space until 5.00 ish. At 3.00 p.m. we will have a minute’s silence and contemplation, which will be happening at the same time all round the world. Please RSVP (briefly) to if you want to come. If you would like to contribute to the event, please let us know so we can organise a running order (we still hope to leave some space for more spontaneous interventions). Please spread the word!
From: Wenche Torrissen
Date: May 7th 2009, 12:11:58
Boal, you have inspired a whole world. Your work will live on forever. My thoughts go to those who are left behind. Kind Regards, Wenche Torrissen
Date: May 7th 2009, 11:15:15
Augusto Boal, You inspired us through your process, books, articles, reports and your beloved students. Thank you for being an inspiration…
From: Marianne Douma
Date: May 7th 2009, 09:56:28
I wish to offer my sincere condolences to all those close to Augusto Boal.I am so glad that he won the Prince CLaus Award and visited the Netherlands still in good health. There will be many people to whom he created the conditions for a meaningful life, a great inspirer to all. Thanks Boal, Formaat Theatre of the Oppressed in Rotterdam the Netherlands is honoured to be one of those who will keep your legacy.
From: Tordis Landvik
Date: May 7th 2009, 08:08:15
I sympathize with all friends of The Theatre of Opressed and especially his family. I feel very grateful of seeing Juan and Augusto Boal, (in Mo i Rana 2006)getting answers on questions and doubt created of other people about his methods. I feel sad because he never got the Nobel Peace Prize, which he had deserved!
From: Anthony Hozier
Date: May 7th 2009, 07:50:09
It feels like the end of an era. Long ago in 1985, Chris Vine from Greenwich Young People’s Theatre and Beth Chatten, Chris Baldwin and I from Rose Bruford College invited Augusto to bring his Paris-based group to give his first workshops in the UK. What he shared with us was a revelation. I know how from that point on our perception of theatre changed. He opened doors and re-defined theatre’s relation to the real world. I also know that everything I have written and taught about theatre since then has been radically influenced by the insights that he gave us. To lose him is not to regret the passing of another great theatre-maker because his unique achievement lies in his empowerment of others throughout the world. He lives on, not just in our memories, but in what we do. What an amazing achievement!
From: sabisa – performing change
Date: May 7th 2009, 04:18:14
Dear colleagues at the CTO, dear extended family of Augusto Boal, We share your grief in the loss of the inspiring figure of Augusto Boal. He did not see himself as a teacher or a director, but as a joker. Yet as a person who preferred to become conscious about injustice rather than point fingers, who preferred to perform the change in the very moment rather than preach the change, who preferred action to words, he was indeed a great master! A master in the balance of applying general tools he has invented, yet insightful enough to change them in accordance with the given moment and place. We hope we can all continue working together on Augusto Boal’s path of theatre as a tool for change, without trying to copy him or becoming rigid in the application of his tools, rather, by adapting them in a process of unwavering conscientization. Augusto Boal’s legacy is a great gift to the world! Let our aspirations and struggles be enlivened with his spirit. Anja Petz, Hannah Reich, Marek Spitczok von Brisinski, Meike Herminghausen, Paula Kramer, Sruti Bala, Till Baumann sabisa – performing change e.V. Berlin/ Germany
From: A Zia
Date: May 7th 2009, 03:53:29
The world is truly poorer at his passing. My thoughts and prayers are with the family and legacy he left behind. I am sure his spirit will continue to energize us.
From: Fundacion Escuelas de Paz
Date: May 7th 2009, 01:58:50
La Fundación Escuelas de Paz de Colombia se una a las miles de voces alrededor del mundo que lamentamos la partida del maestro – teatrero Boal. Su legado ha sido fuente de inspiración y transformación para muchos a través del mundo. Su recuerdo perdudara incolume porque muchos practicamos,conservamos y difundimos sus enseñanzas Paz en su tumba……
Date: May 7th 2009, 01:42:23
Recién conocimos la perspectiva del Teatro del Oprimido aunque ya conocíamos las filosofías que inspiraron al maestro Boal. Nuestro corazón se llena de tristeza por la partida del maestro, pero conservamos la esperanza de que su memoria perdure por siempre, dada la gran cantidad de personas que hoy dedican su esfuerzo a trasmitir las prácticas, filosofías y metodologías de Boal. Nuestra Corporación (ONG) en Colombia tendrá ahora más motivos para seguir haciendo teatro foro. Honrar la vida de un hombre de teatro que pensó y actuó siempre en y por la transformación de estas realidades tan indignamente opresivas. CORPORACION OTRA ESCUELA – BOGOTA (COLOMBIA)
From: Ljubica Beljanski-Ristic
Date: May 6th 2009, 22:55:08
I first met Augusto Boal in Villach in 1982, on AITA congress on Drama in Education. After all these years, that encounter is still one of the most precious experiences. I remember Villach as something special, because it created a new kind of bond and affection between all of us and each new encounter for a long time brought that special emotion along. That emotion and energy also influenced our work on further developing his ideas and creative language which we felt as ours. And those with whom we worked also became a part of the community which brings that emotion, energy and powerful practice…to act, to change…This year his message was read all around the world on the Worlds Theatre Day. We listened in silence and we heard…His legacy continues.
From: Shahin Shafaei
Date: May 6th 2009, 22:12:57
Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth:”You owe me.” Look what happens with a love like that, it lights the whole sky. Dearest Augusto, thank you for lighting up our sky, with your love for humanity.
From: Emma Symes
Date: May 6th 2009, 22:04:58
A true revolutionary. His work provokes us to both question the theatre and our own sense of humanity. I met Julian briefly at a talk 2 months ago, my thoughts are with him and the rest of the family. May the legacy last for ever.
From: Jeremiah Kyle Drake
Date: May 6th 2009, 20:19:52
It was only until I discovered the teachings and philosophy of Augusto Boal,that I became a true artist.Up until that time, I simply had the desire to be an artist. The desire soon became to work with him. To see him in person, to actually hear him and to learn all that I could from this man, who literally saved my life in so many ways. The dream to work with Augusto came true in the year 2000 in New York City where, from that point on, I marveled in his TO workshops at the Brecht Forum. I last saw him in May 2008 as I helped him into a cab as he parted Riverside Church following a Rainbow demonstration before a sea of admirers as well as the curious. Although I knew he was ill, he still seemed youthful and strong and I told him as much while bidding him farewell until next time. Sadly there will be no next time but his voice echoes within me and his words continue to leap from the pages of his books, and I find comfort in the following: CORAGEM DE SER FELIZ (Have the courage to be happy) Peace be with you Augusto.(I am no longer embarrassed by the fact that I told you that I loved you) Jeremiah Kyle Drake Center for the Theatre of the Oppressed Riverside Church in the City of New York
From: ellen burns
Date: May 6th 2009, 19:44:07
With sadness, gratitude and respect. xoxox
From: Özge Tomruk
Date: May 6th 2009, 19:40:05
To the Boal family: I have only met once Julian but I wish you all “patience” with the pain. To Augusto: you said that Hamlet is the best play ever written. “All that lives must die, Passing through nature to eternity.” Hamlet, 1. 2 Thank you for all your work and inspiration.
From: reynaldo young
Date: May 6th 2009, 18:06:12
aqui va la promesa, humilde y tozuda, de seguir y perseguir tu arcoiris. chau maestro, gracias por todo.
From: Mayanja Geresom Mugambwa
Date: May 6th 2009, 17:43:11
In my Language(Luganda)we say that “Naazina obulungi ava mu ddiro” literally meaning that even the best dancer leaves stage. Surely Augusto Boal was a good dance and this is evidenced in the many of us who have learnt his motifs and pleadge to continue dancing his style. You will be remembered for your good dance.
From: Maria Gorius, Cologne
Date: May 6th 2009, 17:39:01
“You have to have always a dream“ Thank you Augusto, thank you for inspiring my life and work. Maria
From: Kollektivtheater
Date: May 6th 2009, 17:19:21
Dear Mrs Cecilia, Julian and Fabian Although we are very far away we deeply feel the loss of Augusto. Our theatre group “Kollektivtheater” (Vienna/Austria) exists since 1994 and over all these years Augusto’s presence via his methods, his inputs, his books, lectures and seminars with wonderful performances and festivals was the source of so many different and very important experiences for each of us. TO became a very important part of our private, professional and political lives. It helped us overcome difficult situations at work, do something against agonizing racisms in daily life, find possible solutions to heel the burden of the Holocaust for the younger generation, show others and ourselves that there are many ways for each of us to show moral courage. We had so many good times: laughing and joking and feeling the power as an active group and part of the extraordinary worldwide community that Augusto Boal has brought into life. People from all parts of the world coming together to perform together, learn together, move, exchange. This is a real global peace project that Augusto has created with his strong and gentle personality, giving us courage to question unfairness and oppression and at the same time insisting on a high level of professionalism and aesthetics. And as we did not experience these methods and learn these theories only from books but had the precious opportunities to work several times with Augusto he is in our hearts and minds and will remain there as lively as he was.
From: Omowale Elson
Date: May 6th 2009, 17:13:38
This morning I heard Augusto on the radio program, Democracy Now, and what was wonderful about what he said is that the two things that he’ll never stop doing are dreaming and taking an ethical position that everyone should be heard. It’s awesome to hold him and Paulo Freire, these Brazilian giants, in my ancestral memory and in my present and future action.
From: Barbro Rønning,
Date: May 6th 2009, 14:41:15
Your words is still an inspiration. Thanks for workshops through all these years, books and courage. The legacy will live ! Barbro Rønning, Norwegian University of Technolgy and Science
From: Placide HABINEZA
Date: May 6th 2009, 13:55:53
It’s with sadness that the man that I dreamt to come in Rwanda one to introduce the TO has passed away but it doesn’t mean that we will never keep on working on what we have started so as to heal our souls as Rwandan 1994 genocide survivors. Anyway, great thanks to Brent Blair with who i got to know Boal and I’m sure we’ll never give up perpetuating his great work in our everyday lives. MAY GOD LEAD YOU IN AN ETERNAL PLACE. PLACIDE, NUR RWANDA.
From: L’équipe du Brocoli Théâtre à Bruxelles
Date: May 6th 2009, 13:52:46
L’homme qui vient de mourir a été le monde vaste et fertile de nos apprentissages ! Nous saluons l’un de nos maîtres et adressons nos sincères condoléances à sa famille et ses proches. L’équipe du Brocoli Théâtre
From: Kathy White-Webster
Date: May 6th 2009, 13:33:28
An inspiration for me in theatre teaching.Seeking to empower people through theatre in ways tried and tested in real life situations for real purposes. His legacy will last and inspire.Love and blessings.Kathy.
From: Jan Ragnar Setsaas
Date: May 6th 2009, 13:28:42
Thank You for beein a grat insopirator. Greatings from Drana colleges at Telmark Univercity College
From: Anna Songe-Møller and Karin Bjerkestrand
Date: May 6th 2009, 13:28:00
THANKS to Augusto Boal and all inspiration through his workshops, books and personal meetings. Augusto Boal has been very important to us for many years, and he has inspired us to work with refugees in Norway. Peace and love to Augusto Boal`s memory from Anna Songe Møller and Karin Bjerkestrand, The University of Stavanger and Oslo University College
From: Stig A. Eriksson
Date: May 6th 2009, 12:41:37
Dear Augusto and family. Thanks for inspiration, good will, generosity and humour! The visit with us with Julian, in the drama department at Bergen University College, Norway, in 2004, is also well remembered. STIG A. Eriksson
From: Elin Thoresen
Date: May 6th 2009, 12:34:59
Thank you for being an inspiration. We will contribute to conveying your innovative and thoughtprovoking ideas and methods. You will be missed.
From: julius reuben
Date: May 6th 2009, 10:17:26
great man there is a bunch of them and you are one of them and you will be missed but i know for sure someone with such big spirit as yours will always be a part of us and light up our stages.
From: Marie D. Ebbesen
Date: May 6th 2009, 10:13:07
Dear Augusto, these first days have been spent seeking comfort from PTO-friends and other TO-friends spread out world wide, sharing our sorrow, knowing that your work will continue. I will miss you. Most of all your love for humanity, your eyes full of humor, and your arms dancing pictures in the air – never quiet if there was something to explain…and there usually was…lots…because you had so much to share and so much to explore. I am glad I heard you read your message in Paris where we were so many together and the respect and love we all felt filled the room. Love, Marie
From: Hans Fraeulin
Date: May 6th 2009, 09:18:36
So wie unsere erste Begegnung eine schöne Überraschung war, ist sein Tod für mich eine böse Überraschung. Warum gerade jetzt? So mitten drin… Wir wussten voneinander, dass ich ihm bei seiner Grazer Inszenierung von „Mit der Faust ins offene Messer“ assistieren sollte, und trafen uns vorher zufällig beim Ersteigen des Mont St. Michel in der Normandie. Was folgte war jahrelanges Lernen von Augusto Boal. Auch als ich längst mit seinem Handwerkszeug umgehen konnte, ein eigenes Ensemble gebildet hatte, das sich bemühte, tagesfrisches Theater zum Mitspielen zu machen, später in der Politik mit Kindern, Film und Theater mit Behindertenpädagogen und ihrer Kundschaft – es gab immer was von ihm zu lernen, war er sozusagen allgegenwärtig. Wenn wir uns trafen, scherzte er gern über unsere erste Begegnung. Es war wirklich ein gutes Omen uns zum ersten Mal an der Stelle zu begegnen, wo wir Gott und dem heiligen Michael vermutlich am nächsten waren. Ein etwas weniger heiliger Michael und eine Gott-weiß-wie-heilige Birgit haben später für ein Aufeinandertreffen und Wiedersehen gesorgt. Ich bin ihnen sehr dankbar dafür und allen, die dafür sorgen, dass sein Theater jetzt nicht aufhört. Wir brauchen es dringender denn je in Zeiten, wo uns die Lebensgrundlagen achtlos kaputt gemacht werden und in unserem Namen die schlimmsten Verbrechen geschehen. Nutzen wir unsere Freiheit – und unser Talent!
From: LE
Date: May 6th 2009, 08:56:24
Your words have been, and continue to be, an inspiration. They started me and many others on a path. Where that leads I think no one knows, and that is their power – they inspire and create, just as we strive to do in your name and as your legacy. You will be missed.
From: Roberto Mazzini
Date: May 6th 2009, 08:07:09
My colleague of Giolli cooperative and me personally are really sad about the passing of Augusto Boal. He was our inspirer and myth, the person who struggled against oppression with his own style and own tool. We like to thank him for having tought to us in many ways and to having let us free to research on our own account. I personally remember some face to face meetings with him in Paris, Bologna, Wien and other places and I esteemed him for his story and work and his fascinating speeches. I believe that his work is not vain or finished, but still goes on in our hearts, bodies and minds. Good travel Augusto! And see you again somewhere…
From: Laura Brauer
Date: May 6th 2009, 05:38:19
Gracias por este enorme legado que cruza el mundo y nos une en este abrazo indescriptible. Desde aqui y junto con otros de allí y de más acá seguiremos alimentando este árbol que no para de cruzar fronteras y derribar muros, para multiplicarlo y hacer bosques y más, con la fuerza, la alegria y la convicción que nos inspira tu ejemplo.
From: Verity Davidson, Drama New Zealand
Date: May 6th 2009, 03:19:17
On behalf of all the members of Drama New Zealand, we acknowledge the enormous contribution Augusto Boal has made to the world of drama and education: You made us think, question and appreciate our gifts. You made us challenge ourselves, our society and the world we live in. Thank you for the wonderful legacy you have given us all. Rest in peace, Augusto.
From: Rebecca Brown
Date: May 5th 2009, 22:55:32
He gave me the courage to be happy…..and the realisation of how powerful theatre can TRULY be. It was an honour to meet and work with him…..I only hope his work is taken forward far into the future with the same passion, integrity and vibrancy with which he created it. Adeus e obrigado senhor. Love, Rebecca
From: Vahid
Date: May 5th 2009, 22:26:30
“…one can try to re-create the world, to build another in its place, one in which the most intolerable features are eliminated and replaced by others that accord with one’s desire. As a rule anyone who takes this path to happiness, in a spirit of desperate rebellion, will achieve nothing. Reality is too strong for him. He will become a madman and will usually find nobody to help him realize his delusion.” –Sigmund Freud I wish Freud knew Augusto Boal, the man who “in a spirit of desperate rebellion”, HAS achieve SOMETHING, something great that teaches us dreaming, hope for betterment and future do not have to be synonymous with delusion and that building a different world IS possible, though never easy. Augusto Boal is not dead. He lives for ever in every single flickering flame of hope, desire and dream we keep alive and pursue in realization of a better life.
From: Cristina Palma
Date: May 5th 2009, 21:43:57
Mi querido Augusto Boal thank you so much for all you have left for us…. desde la ollas comunes en Chile hasta el teatro foro en Australia, donde fuera y como fuera siempre estuviste presente en el trabajo de tanta gente como yo, que de venir de la nada aprendio el poder del teatro, la cercania de la gente, y el empoderamiento de tantas comunidades para determinar por nosotros mismos nuestra forma de vivir y creer en la vida. Thank you for all your insights and inspirational work, querido maestro Boal!
From: Nurhan Tekerek
Date: May 5th 2009, 21:34:14
Really, We feel sadness… But we think “death is reality in life of person as birth…” There is an spiritual expression of ancestors in Turkish; “Ölürse Ten Ölür Canlar Ölesi Değil…” That is; A human’s life die, this is reality but his-her spirit will always lives. Boal will lives with his theatre poetica in spirits and acts of oppressed people… Prof. Dr. Nurhan Tekerek from Türkiye
From: Katrin Byreus
Date: May 5th 2009, 21:30:19
Let´s make a machine of sorrow and then a machine of HOPE! Thank you Augusto for everything you gave us! I´ve had the great honour and happiness to have known you for more than 30 years. I miss you so much! But I will sense the warmth from your eyes while continuing working with Theatre of the Oppressed in the world. A world where the Rainbow is a bit less colourful without you. On Saturday we will throw flowers in the water at Skeppsholmen where you liked to work in Stockholm and we will send many thoughts of warmth to your family and close friends in Rio.
From: Jenny Macdonald
Date: May 5th 2009, 21:28:20
Last year I was blessed to receive teaching from Augusto in Dublin. I went on the course because I wanted to work with a master of my craft. Certainly, I saw mastery. But what stunned and stayed with me was the depth of Augusto’s humanity. I was reminded of and awakened into the pure clarity of seeing what does and does not matter. What it is to live deeply and truthfully. I will cherish that experience. My deepest sympathy to Augusto’s friends and family. And my thanks to Julian who bravely came to Dublin to teach us this year, though he had to carry the sadness of his father’s illness.
From: Alan Culley
Date: May 5th 2009, 21:17:38
Thank you Augusto for your inspiration, wisdom and vision that has guided my work for many years. You will be greatly missed across the world.
From: Ulli Klammer, Austria []
Date: May 5th 2009, 21:07:08
It`s hard to accept, that he in not in this world anymore. His work and sprit has enriched my work and my thinking in a wondeful way. I would not be at that point of developement without him.Thank you so much for inspiring my life! Ulli
From: Tim Wheeler
Date: May 5th 2009, 20:58:25
I struggle to know what to say in a forum like this. It feels very… one-sided! I love dialogue. It is sad when a good conversation comes to an end. Sometimes it is because we have fallen out with each other… we have nothing more to say. What then when an inspirational conversation ends; one that sparkles with wit, humanity, sincerity and transformational power? A rare dialogue indeed. Our conversations with Augusto have come to an end. Now we will have to second-guess what he would say. How can we be sure in our judgement? How can we be true to his spirit? As we live and breathe so too does theatre of the oppressed. He taught that we are all theatre. Now we have to begin new conversations with each other. We are all theatre of the oppressed. With my love to Augusto, to his family, to you.
From: Lala
Date: May 5th 2009, 20:40:15
Me siento muy cerca de ustedes y los acompaño en este momento. El TO es para mí fuente de inspiración, trabajo y amor. Toda mi energía en estos momentos para esta gran familia que es la comunidad internacional del TO, en especial a Cecilia, Julian y Fabian. Sigamos trabajando, sigamos luchando, ése será nuestro consuelo. Lala Cholula, Puebla, México.
From: Luciano Iogna
Date: May 5th 2009, 20:28:39
Firstly, a family has lost a beloved husband and father. As so many have written, to the Boal family, my primary thoughts and wishes are for you. For the rest of us, who looked to Augusto for guidance and advice, we will try our best to carry on the legacy he has given the world; with a deep, deep sadness now, but with a commitment to continue in future with joy and determination as tools that he has taught us to use.
From: Ben Cooley Hall
Date: May 5th 2009, 20:26:39
From one who is as peripheral a member of the community as could be imagined, I still thank you, Augusto, and everyone who has nourished and cultivated your vision, for the seed it has planted in me and in our world–many, many, many seeds, really. Thank you.
From: Anna Soole
Date: May 5th 2009, 20:22:02
Agusto Boal, thank you for your life. You truly lived it as fully as it is possible to live and in doing so you were able to share your gift from the Creator, to remind humanity of the deepest truths. As a Joker by trade, I feel as though you have been my teacher for many years, although I was never able to meet you in person. Thank you with the deepest gratitude. My life, and the lives of those I work with are changed forever because of your generosity.
From: Laura Gray
Date: May 5th 2009, 19:07:29
So saddened by this loss to the world. Not only did I learn about theatre, I learnt about me. Thank you.
From: Till Baumann, Berlin
Date: May 5th 2009, 18:33:17
Augusto will be missing. He leaves us tools for changing the world. With his revolutionary art and ideas he will continue to live. Let us mourn. And let us continue to fight, to laugh and to play theatre, for a changed, for a better world. Thank you for everything, Augusto. Thank you. Till
From: Gill Dowsett
Date: May 5th 2009, 18:07:19
Dear Augusto, what a great and sad loss. Thank you so much for creating a language for understanding – indescribably powerful for me and clearly for those that I work with too. The work does indeed go on – we found the courage and so now, how can we stop? My deep condolences must of course go to your wife and sons and many friends throughout the world.
From: Attiq Rayan, AFghanistan
Date: May 5th 2009, 18:00:22
khoda hafZ Boal maleme khob bod ba tamame mardom Boal
From: T.Premananth,Koothharangam Magazine(Tamil)
Date: May 5th 2009, 17:46:48
When we hear Augusto passed away news.We got shock.He is the person who think about us.We the Tamil people in Sri lanka feel very sad because we lost our friend.He is inspire all the time.Our theater moment spirit is Augusto’s theater work.We have no words to say condolence .
From: T.Thevananth,Director,Active Theatre Movement
Date: May 5th 2009, 17:32:53
We have hear very sad news.We are in north part of Sri lanka.But we are the followers of Augesto.His theater work linked humans all over the world.Augesto we will take forward your work in future.We hope you alive with us. T.Thevananth, Director, Active Theater Movement, Arulaham,Adiyapatham Road, Thirunelvelly,Jaffna,Sri lanka
From: organization of creative grouping, theatre EYE
Date: May 5th 2009, 16:59:33
we are proud for all you have done for life, people, theater and art…forum is nice place for share, we will continue, here in Belgrade, Serbia
From: Lisa Pijuan-Nomura
Date: May 5th 2009, 16:47:00
I am so sorry to hear about Augusto’s passing. This makes me incredibly sad. I met him and CTO Rio at the Ripple Effect Theatre Festival in Toronto many years ago. Although i only spoke with him a few times, he was such an important person in my growth as an artist and a person. I will remember those 10 days for all of my life. His ideas challenged me, made me grow and question the world in which we life. My condolences go to all who miss this great man. Light and love to you all.
From: Mouhamadou DIOL
Date: May 5th 2009, 16:27:23
Nous avons appris avec beaucoup d`emotions la mort de M.Augusto BOAL. Nous nous joignons a la communaute des praticiens et amateurs des methodes de BOAL, pour vous presenter nos tres sinceres condoleances. Nous preparons une activite pour le 9 pour lui rendre un grand hommage.
From: Matt Scott
Date: May 5th 2009, 15:58:19
You were and will eternally be an important figure in the world and in the world of theatre. Thank you for your contribution.
From: Emre Erdem
Date: May 5th 2009, 15:07:42
In this world, we are all oppressed. You gave us a pathway to handle with diffuculties,and now you are dead and gone! My Master, distinguished Augusto Boal, farewell!!! You will always in our good thoughts! I hope that we will be able to reflect your holly sprit without spoiling your testament!Ms Boal and Julian are with you… Farewell Augusto, Your Opperessed Followers! E&E
From: Daniel Shirasaka
Date: May 5th 2009, 14:50:00
I am from Peru and I just met Augusto Boal’s work a few months ago, accidentally (i was reading a paper on dialogue from “pioneers of change” organization). So, then I searched on the internet and read everything I could. Then I bought his books. His work is amazing and, I believe, it’s an answer for this world. I am already using some of his theories and the theatre of the oppressed with poor young people of my city. Yes, he is away from here now, but I think that he is closer to us. I never met him, but I believe that I am knowing him.
From: sarah Fotheringham
Date: May 5th 2009, 14:33:20
I am so sad to hear about Augusto Boal passing. I never met him. I repeat, i never met him, but his influence, personality, will and creativity touched me deeply, through participation in Forum theatre, going on courses with others that he had inspired and by his books. I first heard about him and his wokr when i was when i was 19 AND thought he was invincible. he will be with me for ever. thank you
From: v ramchandran
Date: May 5th 2009, 14:16:05
One Augusto Boal has left the shores of this earth. We need and we shall have another one, two, many Augusto Boals In solidarity ram
From: Dee Hanbury
Date: May 5th 2009, 13:58:32
There is a whole community in the South Bronx who know the name Boal and love forum theater. On behalf of all the many families who have participated in our power plays and who have gained ideas, insight, and courage from them, I say “thank you, sir”. You’ll be missed.
From: Eva Marie Wallin
Date: May 5th 2009, 13:31:54
Dear Augusto! It is a pleasure to know you! I will continue to work with Theatre of the Oppressed as you taught me. Love from Eva Marie Wallin
From: Thomas A.
Date: May 5th 2009, 13:10:57
Thank you for your work, and condolences to the family. Your work has been immensely useful in making visible the hidden structures of oppression that frame our very being, and in such a joyous, jokester way that they can be worked through to the new world of the possible.
From: Tom Magill
Date: May 5th 2009, 13:06:21
Augusto, you challenged us to have the courage to be happy. You and Paulo made the path by walking. You taught us that power comes from risking ourselves in creation. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience with us. Your light of hope will shine forever. Love to the Boal family in Brazil and worldwide from all in Belfast.
From: David Grant []
Date: May 5th 2009, 13:06:02
Two weeks in Derry with Augusto in 1992 changed entirely the way I think about my work and life. Remembered with gratitude.
From: Karen
Date: May 5th 2009, 13:01:17
I was privileged to meet Augusto twice. Both times, I never felt for a moment I had to be anything other than myself. Thank you.
From: Radka Macková []
Date: May 5th 2009, 12:55:53
I had chance to meet Augusto Boal through his work and books but never had chance to meet him in person. But from his work I can see how creative, open, strong person he was. Thank you Agusto for your vitality and energy that you dedicated to the theatre. Thank you for inspiration and your ideas.
From: Iwan Brioc
Date: May 5th 2009, 12:55:37
What a life! What a legacy! I am in awe of your works and so greatful to have met them through you. You parted the sea between audience and actors. Who knows what you have started? Something amazing will unfold in your wake.
From: Damian Torres-Botello
Date: May 5th 2009, 12:53:48
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
From: evelien
Date: May 5th 2009, 12:21:18
I’m sure your shining light of Hope, Inspiration and Change will give us strenght to continue humanise the world! my thoughts are with you, your family and friends
From: Hugo Cruz, NTO-Porto, Portugal
Date: May 5th 2009, 12:06:52
Obrigado pela inspiração, coerência, clareza e pelo apontar de caminhos. Há muita estrada para andar, por isso vamos continuar… Até sempre!
From: Peter Igelmund
Date: May 5th 2009, 12:05:22
Fighting for sensibility of all our sences. That makes sence to me. Otherwise i could not feal that “wonderfull” sadness and the warm rain of tears energycing more seeds. I guess i was never connected by hard with so many people around the world like in the last two days. Thanks Mr. Boal to make all that people “visible” to me. Thanks alot!
From: KevinGaudette,China
Date: May 5th 2009, 11:38:12
“History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, and if faced with courage need not be lived again.” — Maya Angelou
From: Nathalie Trottier
Date: May 5th 2009, 11:37:51
Toutes mes condoléances et amitiés à la famille et proches d’Augusto Boal… Ma tristesse est grande aujourd’hui mais ce que nous a donné ce grand homme ne m’ abandonnera jamais et je continuerai d’y croire au fil des jours…merci merci merci !! Monsieur Augusto !!!! Nathalie, comédienne….
From: vidushi , india
Date: May 5th 2009, 11:29:37
my condolence to the family,i was reading about him 2 days back n came to know about this unfortunate death.your wors speaks for themselves…i will truly miss u…..may u rest in peace…..
From: Caryne Chapman Clark
Date: May 5th 2009, 11:25:51
I had the great fortune to meet Augusto and to receive training from him. He was and remains a constant source of inspiration to me and to the many people, particularly in Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia with whom I have been able to share his innovative and radical TO techniques with. I am very saddened by the news of his passing. He was a true revolutionary and original artistic warrior whose influence and spirit is felt all around the globe. Viva Boal! Caryne Chapman Clark – London UK
From: khushboo sherwani, india
Date: May 5th 2009, 11:23:47
my condolence to his family..though i have never meet him but have always read him…its my bad luck that i could not meet him…thank you for everything dear sir …may you rest in peace wherever you are..aameen.
From: Armando Tasistro
Date: May 5th 2009, 11:10:27
Lo mejor que podemos hacer para recordar a Augusto es tratar de seguir su ejemplo de valentía, creatividad, y de lucha por la justicia.
From: D’clic Théâtre Action (Montpellier – France)
Date: May 5th 2009, 11:04:00
Nous perdons un père. On se prendra le temps pour prendre conscience de cette disparition et de mesurer le grand vide qu’il va nous laisser. Nous garderons en nous l’image d’un homme paisible, souriant avec une force tranquille. Cette image nous semble bien résumer le” grand homme” qu’il était. Nous avons une pensée pour Julian, son fils et notre ami. Lui dire que nous sommes tous avec lui dans ces moments difficiles. Merci Augusto, c’est une grande responsabilité pour nous de poursuivre le chemin que tu as tracé. L’équipe D’clic Théâtre Action
From: Guglielmo Schininà
Date: May 5th 2009, 10:58:42
good bye Maestro, and thanks
From: Asif Munier
Date: May 5th 2009, 10:53:20
The inspiration of this larger than life man will remain with many of us I am sure. The one afternoon visit to the centre in 2004 in Rio was a pilgrimage for me. While I express my personal condolence to Mr. Boal’s family and friends, I also join hands with millions around the world who believe in working with and in theatre to bring about some positive change in the world, and carry on the work that Boal and his friends began for so many years now.
From: Mariana Villani
Date: May 5th 2009, 09:46:16
Dear companions, dear Julian: I send an enormous hug to connect and pulls us together, to give us the strength we need to follow the path he opened for us. I want to remember him as I saw him during the spectactor rally in Calcutta. It was like he was flying! The smile that crossed his face, his hair in the wind, an energy so big that made him forget all the pain, all the badness. I will remember him like that, almost floating, now that he is part of the air. Thank you Augusto, I feel honoured to have met you on this side of life. Mariana
From: Fausto Rizzo Nervo
Date: May 5th 2009, 09:39:54
My condolence to family and near friends of Augusto, with the theory and the praticing of theatre of the oppressed, i find a new part of my exsistence that i’ve never known before, if i can, i spent a thanks for who, has helped me and other various thousands and thousands of thousands poepole. to find a new meaning of life, with his life and his theatre, Many very thanks Augusto, and perhaps farewell in another life. Faust.
From: luisa del vento
Date: May 5th 2009, 09:38:50
grazie maestro just when i found you went away, surely from this place but not from my heart. Thanks for your life and for what you have left me, invaluable inspiration, strength and joy of living. I will continue to come closer to you. All my prayers to Julian and the rest of the family, lots of love luisa
From: Jodie Marshall
Date: May 5th 2009, 09:38:44
I am deeply saddened by the loss of such a great ambassador of Brazil and a man that lived for today in order to change tomorrow. Although my dream of working alongside Boal will never come to be, I feel as though I knew him personally through his openness to the people and his commitment to his theatre of the people for the people. He was a very special man with a great gift that he has so generously passed onto the generations that follow him. His country inspired me to be who I am today, and in turn Augusto Boal inspired me to do what I do. I would not be myself without his work and A Mind Apart Theatre Company would not be here without his commitment. To all those who knew him, be blessed that you were privilaged to spend time with this man, and hear his wise words spoken to you everyday! It is now our time to step up and move Boals work even further to give something more to the people, to honour Boal himself and give him what he would have wanted. This is my new dream.
From: aminur rahman mukul
Date: May 5th 2009, 09:37:57
I didn’t meet with you Augusto, but I read you and practice your process here in Bangladesh. I think you are a prophet of applied theatre. It’s my bad luck…
From: Pavlína Pacáková
Date: May 5th 2009, 09:22:37
My sincere condolence to family, friends and colleagues. Thank you, Augusto, for inspiration and for showing a way… .
From: Anne Lorentzen
Date: May 5th 2009, 08:58:12
Thanks for everything and my sincere condolences to family, friends and all oppressed in this world. We will miss you.
From: Irmgard Bibermann
Date: May 5th 2009, 08:56:35
I learned a lot of Augusto, above all better to act and to live in a dynamic way than to suffer passivly. Thank you so much, Augusto!
From: Penelope Maclachlan
Date: May 5th 2009, 08:51:05
Augusto Boal was brilliant, gifted and a man of principle.
From: Sarah Woodland
Date: May 5th 2009, 08:39:04
Firstly, my sincere condolences to Augusto’s family, friends and close colleagues who must be feeling his loss deeply at this time. The messages on this site also demonstrate that a significant loss has occurred in the fields of theatre, education and social justice – fields that may not have intersected so profoundly without the work of this remarkable man.
From: Erin Davis
Date: May 5th 2009, 08:34:48
Thank you for everything Augusto…for the privilege to have met you last year in London and learn your beautiful way of creating words, action and moments to fight oppression and transform this world.
From: Liz Taylor
Date: May 5th 2009, 08:13:28
I e.mailed and asked Augusto to come to England to work with our young people at So Many Words. He said “yes.” I was astounded – he came with Julian and his inspiration has lived on in the group and its leaders. “Come Closer” he said to the young people – for all the children that are marginalised from society may we all “come closer” to his ideal.
From: Jolanda Bekker
Date: May 5th 2009, 07:54:38
starting with Paulo Freire, Augusto Boal is one of those who dedicated his life to give a voice to those that aren’t heared. The theatre of the oppressed will go on in his name and a souce of inspiration for people like me.
From: elin danielsen
Date: May 5th 2009, 07:43:38
With sadness we received the message that Augusto Boal had passed away. We remember him as a strong and vital personality,with the warmest eyes that could see through everything. He changed so many peoples lives, and this change wil continue through ITO. We are for ever grateful that we had the possibility to meet him in Norway and Denmark in 2007. Love, Elin and little Sofia (7 years) Bandini Danielsen
From: Christina Zoniou
Date: May 5th 2009, 07:40:15
Thank you for giving me inspiration and strentgh. I will always be grateful. A great loss for the humanity and for all us spect-actors. Christina, Greece
From: Elangovan
Date: May 5th 2009, 07:35:08
The time spent with you in Brisbane in 1995 is still so real. You signed not only in your books I still treasure but my conscience, firing me to speak truth to power forever. I am still surviving in a police-state called Singapore. Thank you for your words: “Never compromise if you want to be a voice for the voiceless.” My dear Joker,I can hear your laughter all around me in this unexpected silence. Elangovan poet-playwright-director artistic director Agni Kootthu (Theatre of Fire)
From: Frans Berkers
Date: May 5th 2009, 07:29:58
Augusto and friends of Format thanks for your work and inspiration. Frans Berkers, Amsterdam 05 may
From: Mojisola Adebayo
Date: May 5th 2009, 06:53:08
Augusto Boal, his work and his words, changed my life. I am the person I am because of Theatre of the Oppressed. He showed me the courage to be happy. He gave me the skills to fight oppression. He taught me theatre, and theatre is my humanity. He was my teacher and my comrade. He was also very funny, kind and caring, he was such a compassionate person, the loveliest of storytellers, the most insightful of people, so full of love. Now his is our ancestor. His legacy continues.
From: Katja Volgger
Date: May 5th 2009, 06:38:16
Never had I the privilege to get to know Mr. Boal personally. Still, I feel deeply touched by his thoughts, ideas and goals which gave me new perspectives in live. I will ever be thankful and will try to set a monument for him in all of my doing.
From: Marc Rich
Date: May 5th 2009, 06:26:25
Thank you, Augusto– for giving us the tools to transform our lives for teaching us to fight for justice for asking the tough questions for helping us to see what we could not see for showing us how to joker scenes on and off stage for letting us feel the joy of being in our bodies for sharing your contagious passion with us for inspiring us to inspire others You will truly be missed
From: Brent Blair
Date: May 5th 2009, 05:10:25
The void is enormous. His energy was so abundant. I selfishly imagined we would have his rich baritone laughter and effervescent stories for decades more. Beautifully, he gave more than all of himself and is receiving richly in return from all the numerous projects and groups he inspired around the world. Millions have been moved by his work, many thousands have participated in workshops and been transformed by “participating in the process of transformation.” Our clown lingers, the twinkle in his eye, the gentleness of his spirit. This extraordinary mind. My love to Cecilia, Julian and Fabian, to all the jokers in CTO-Rio, to communities around the world. I hope we grieve, sing, make images and create the world we need to see. As Gaetano would sing, “Cantando eu mando a tristeza embora”… With love from Boal’s many visits to our community in Los Angeles, to all who know him or will some day….
From: Ronald Matthijssen
Date: May 5th 2009, 05:08:12
I was shocked when I heard about Augusto’s departure and I still am. I was looking forward to seeing him this Summer and share our thoughts about the future. Because looking to the future and believing in the dreams we have is something he always encouraged me to. We shared an optimism that would overcome the worst of crises. Therefore I feel now that we all should take this optimistic spirit into our futures. Augusto, your courage to believe that you can be who you are and do what you do will be with me and I will try to pass it on to others. If we all do so, there is all the more reason to be optimistic. Farewell my friend, you will always be in my heart.
From: Kathy Mason
Date: May 5th 2009, 04:43:23
Major loss to those of conscience!
From: Conch
Date: May 5th 2009, 03:50:59
There once was a man named Augusto Boal He came from the 60’s and was a radical Through forum theatre he knew Oppressive issues would subdue If scenes we focused on love, care and respect No intervention would ever be incorrect I am so grateful to the work of this man. My love and warmth to his family.
From: Prosper KOMPAORE
Date: May 5th 2009, 03:29:22
Je viens d’apprendre le départ de notre doyen, Augusto, et je me fais le devoir en mon nom personnel et au nom de tous les comédiens de l’Atelier -théâtre Burkinabé (ATB), et de toutes les troupes pratiquant le théâtre forum au Burkina Faso et dans tous les pays africains, d’exprimer notre profonde émotion et notre grande tristesse. J’ai eu le plaisir de rencontrer Augusto à plusieurs reprises, au Brésil, au Burkina Faso, et en Grande Bretagne où nous avons ensemble prononcé une conférence sur le théâtre pour le développement au Barbican Center. Partout j’ai été fasciné par la puissance communicative de Augusto, sa force de conviction et de persuasion qui nous a permis à nous tous de nous sentir pleinement en phase avec lui lorsqu’il proclame le pouvoir du théâtre de changer la vie en donnant la parole à ceux qui souvent ne l’ont pas. Dans le contexte africain, cette revendication est d’une extrême importance. Grace au théâtre forum, l’Atelier théâtre burkinabé (ATB) et la centaine de troupes que nous avons contribué à former au Burkina Faso et dans plusieurs pays africains (Sénégal, Mali, Niger, Tchad, Côte-dIvoire, Togo, RDC, Ouganda, Afrique du sud, Madagascar, Cameroun, Centrafrique, Congo, etc.) ont engagé la pratique théâtrale africaine dans une dynamique sociale dont l’efficacité est reconnue par les populations des villes et surtout des campagnes, par les différents partenaires au développement, et par un nombre de plus en plus grand de troupes théâtrales. Nous avons reçu d’Augusto Boal ce message d’un théâtre accessible à tous, d’un théâtre enraciné dans les réalités de la vie quotidienne, d’un théâtre de libération de toutes les oppressions. Nous transmettons ce flambeau et travaillons à faire en sorte que ce théâtre s’adapte le mieux possible aux contextes culturels des uns et des autres sans rien perdre de son ambition d’être un moment de plaisir et d’émotion, un temps d’émerveillement et d’ouverture vers des possibles meilleurs. Je vous exprime toute ma sympathie et prie Dieu que la terre du Brésil pour laquelle il s’est tant battu lui soit légère et que son message soit diffusé aux quatre coins du monde avec encore plus de force. Prosper KOMPAORE Directeur de l’ATB 01 BP 2121 Ouagadougou Burkina Faso
From: Setsu, engeki design guild, Tokyo
Date: May 5th 2009, 02:37:45
I saw him once in Toronto, Canada in 1997. He was very energetic, fun, experienced, intelligent… I will never ever forget him. We are now trying to translate and publish his books in Japan. We still have only one book translated in Japanese. It is pity! We will work hard to make our translation project happen. with deep sorrow, I express my sincere condolence. Setsu Hanasaki
From: Hjalmar Joffre-Eichhorn
Date: May 5th 2009, 02:37:08
Augusto, when I last saw you back in Feburary, just around Carnival, you were so full of energy, had so many plans, were so very busy. Now you are gone and we will have to find ways to carry on without you, to make sure that the Theatre of the Oppressed continues to grow and blossom and finds new ways to confront injustices of all kinds and forms. Coragem de ser feliz, coragem de sonhar um outro mundo, uma outra humanidade, um outro ser humano. Um abraco desde Afeganistao.
From: Koh Hui Ling, Drama Box, Singapore
Date: May 5th 2009, 02:16:13
I am still in disbelief… I am deeply honoured to have been in your presence.. I will always remember that our birthdays are 2 days apart… and will always remember what you said: You don’t become a poet to write poems; you write poems to become a poet.
From: Deanna
Date: May 5th 2009, 01:51:22
I am saddened that I can never sit with the creator of the theatre of the oppressed, but I am so thankful for his life, for his vision and passion and innovation that has inspired me from a continent away without ever having had direct contact with him. I will continue to live in his legacy.
From: Samantha May
Date: May 5th 2009, 01:51:19
Your passion has given form to a magical way of learning and knowing and changing and growing together… the day of your passing i was musing of a time i would get to play with you…I know somewhere we will play … in theatre anything is possible…thank you for all the good that you have inspired in me now forever a joker, spectactor or creating…always amassing the courage to be happy…thanks in so many ways to the freedom you inspire… Thank you Augusto
From: Liliana Cruz Rosario
Date: May 5th 2009, 01:35:26
Todos los que utilizamos las técnicas de Boal y aprendimos otra forma de hacer teatro lamentamos la perdida de nuestro maestro, nuestro gurú. Mi escenario es el salón de clases en Puerto Rico y desde hace veinte años se ha rendido homenaje a Boal. Ha sido importante crear currículo para este nivel, siempre recordando los talleres que tomé con Boal mientras estudiaba la maestría en NYU. También es cierto que ya la Profa. Rosa Luisa Márquez nos había brindado la oportunidad de conocerlo. Ha sido un honor, un priveligio. Seguiremos con más fuerza el legado que nos ha dejado Boal y ahora más que nunca el Teatro del Oprimido seguirá generación tras generación ensayando los cambios necesarios para transformar la sociedad. Gracias Maestro y aún desde la tristeza Aplausos.
From: Michèle Sato
Date: May 5th 2009, 01:19:56
I am Brazilian and i feel proud to have Boal as brazilian representative. His history, besides his long and marvellous way on theatre is the example to all of us. let his soul in peace *
From: Patrick Pénicaud
Date: May 5th 2009, 01:04:38
je me souviens de ce stage que j’avais suivi avec Augusto et son équipe du Théâtre de l’opprimé de Paris, fin des années 70 à Sèvres. L’idée comme la forme m’avait fortement touché et marqué pour toujours ma mémoire : comment mettre en théâtre ce qui de notre quotidien porte les stygmates des ruptures, des brisures, de l’insupportable qui peut surgir dans le drame humain et y trouver le moyen de dénouer les noeuds gordiens. Belle gageure, belle utopie… réalisable et réalisée, grâce à lui. Tel un magicien, mais un magicien qui là nous redonnait nos propres moyens de sortir de l’inextricable par nous mêmes en jouant nos propres drames, en les transmutant. Tel plutôt un alchimiste le ferait transformant le plomb en or. Qui, ayant pu participer à/vivre un tel moment aurait pu rester insensible à cela, en sortir indemne?… Puisse à présent la flamme continuer de brûler, l’action transformatrice de la société qu’il su inventer par son art, par cette forme de théâtre perdurer et ainsi continuer d’oeuvrer pour le bien de tous et de chacun, et nous permettre ainsi de “faire société”, de “vivre ensemble”. RIP Augusto. Et tout simplement merci. Et toutes mes meilleures pensées à tes proches et ami(e)s.
From: Janet Feldman
Date: May 5th 2009, 01:03:59
This is a very sad day, hearing the news of the passing of a true creative genius, and a true giant of the human heart and soul! Augusto not only transformed the theatre world, but the lives of so many countless people, struggling against oppressions of all kinds. To link creativity and caring in this way was and is revolutionary, and he will be sorely missed! I recall with awe and gratitude his response to urgent emails I sent several times (we did not know each other personally, but were simply comrades in artistic arms), asking for supportive words for artists in struggle. I’m sure he was so busy that he could easily have turned away, but instead he was ever kind, quick, and enthusiastic in his replies. The last time we corresponded, he sent a public letter of support to a playwright-actor-artist in Zimbabwe, Cont Mhlanga, who was being censored by state authorities for a play he had written about corruption and political power. The playwright was uplifted and inspired to continue writing and performing–in defiance of those trying to silence him–and he is working undaunted to this day. The theatre world–and the world at large–has lost one of its guiding lights, but his legacy is timeless and indelible, and for that we can all be happy and grateful. I’m sure he’s here with us in spirit, and that his beloved Theatre of the Oppressed will continue to thrive, alive and well, and empowering as always. With deepest sympathies to his family, friends, and all who were touched by Augusto, and artistic admirations to all! Janet Feldman, ActALIVE (,
From: Robert B. Livingston
Date: May 5th 2009, 00:46:05
Reflecting on the many beautiful people around the world who adore the Theatre of the Oppressed, I am very sorry to hear news of Mr. Boal’s passing. My condolences to all.
From: marcos arano
Date: May 5th 2009, 00:37:53
Queridos compañeros, queremos hacerles llegar nuestro abrazo desde Buenos Aires a todos los que trabajan con teatro del oprimido y admiran a su mentor. Estamos muy conmovidos por lo sucedidio y queremos expresarles todo nuestro afecto y compromiso con el legado que Augusto Boal deja. Seguimos trabajando por el cambio, por la lucha contra la injusticia desde la alegría, la confianza y el pleno convencimiento de que el arte es una herramienta fundamental para un mundo mejor.Les enviamos todo nuestro cariño y que nuestro trabajo sea nuestro mayor homenaje.Un abrazo El infierno de los vivos – Teatro Foro Marcos AranoFederico CostaMelisa TivolesiAngela CamañoMario ReynosoIgnacio GimenezAda DorregoCintia GutierrezLucas Silvani
From: Geraldo
Date: May 5th 2009, 00:32:53
Augusto, your spirit of justice and pursuit of peace through the mystery of theatre will travel across the centuries to come. You will be missed but your life and teachings are aflame in our hearts.
From: har tortike
Date: May 5th 2009, 00:08:31
Everyday i work together with young people with TO and everyday these youngsters get more freedom to live without oppression. On continue le combat!
From: jale
Date: May 4th 2009, 23:46:35
The Cashew Tree of the Theatre of the Oppressed was seeded by you. It is at the earth, now. Growing and growing, it will never end… The roots are under the ground, outcropping everywhere… The birds, as you said “multiplication with organization”, are flying in solidarity… There are so many birds and there will be… Me, I try to have the courage to be happy! I have the Cashew Tree and the birds in my mind, but my heart doesn’t listen to this mind… I am so so so sorry… My condolences to all TO familia. Başımız sağolsun!
From: Elisa
Date: May 4th 2009, 23:25:17
Buon viaggio Augusto…
From: Monica Adorno
Date: May 4th 2009, 23:10:19
Augusto, you were a legend and a half, you changed the world, and will remain an inspiration to it. you will be missed … all my love, Monica x x
From: Bim de Verdier
Date: May 4th 2009, 22:30:07
Thank you. You gave me a way to find a way for a theatre that is not elitistic nor egostic. You gave me tools for my art and my teaching. You gave me a link between my to worlds – Brazil that I love and live in and Sweden were I come from and did not accept nor understand before using the glasses of Theatre of the Opressed. Thank you for teaching me the possibility of choosing perspective in art. I will do my best to take care of this learning. I will do my best to pass it forward.
From: Luc Opdebeeck
Date: May 4th 2009, 22:25:11
Dear Augusto, Thank you for your friendship, your questions, your engagement, your books, your sharing, your being, your theatre, your wisdom, … We will follow the path you discovered until oppression is gone. And as you learned me: when that moment comes, we will have to find new techniques so that oppression will never return. My thoughts go to Cecilia, Julian and Fabian and the friends of the CTO Rio and all other Jokers over the world. We all lost a guide and a fantastic inspirator. You will always be with me. Luc
From: David Diamond
Date: May 4th 2009, 22:09:53
Augusto, my dear friend, mentor, colleague – you knew so much, and now you have returned to knowing everything. The sense of loss is unexplainable, and, as I know you would insist, we must and will carry on. You will always be a very welcome Cop in my Head. Love and condolences to Cecilia, Julian, Fabian, and all my friends at CTO Rio. David Diamond
From: Dan Gregory
Date: May 4th 2009, 22:08:34
It has been about fortyy years since I first met Augusto in New York. Then about twenty years ago I had the good fortune to attend workshops with him in London. He remains a major influence in my ideas of what theatre is and should be like. Forum theatre and the Joker system have been an integral part of what has been closest to my heart. I shall never forget the excitement of seeing the Teatro da Arena for the first time. Nor the thrill of expectancy running through an audioence when all he did was take the space and move a chair. Along with Enrique Buenaventura I owe him so much to the rewards my work in Theatre has given me.
From: Catherine Simmondsn (Brunswick Women’s Theatre)
Date: May 4th 2009, 22:06:14
I was taken by suprise and sadness to hear of Augusto Boals passing. I think of his family and all his friends around the world, I especailly think of my friends at CTO Barbara, Helen, Claudia, Geo and Oliver ( I met you in 2001 when I came from Australia to spend 10 months as an intern with my family at CTO) Many memories flash by but most of all my heart centres on a real gratitidue to the effort of Boals life – he made a real contribution as human being towards the world becoming more human – working for our freedom! Thankyou Boal for all i have learnt from you and Theatre of the Oppressed – it lives on within the work I do and the work of the Brunswick Women’s Theatre. Today I feel a sweet sadness in the air in memory of you. As you so often said “Have the courage to be happy”
From: Alessandro Tolomelli
Date: May 4th 2009, 21:57:22
Thanks Augusto.
From: Joan Chandler
Date: May 4th 2009, 21:45:21
I thank you, Augusto, along with the others. Our best tribute is with the work we do in the world, and through the change that thousands of us have wrought in large part because of you. Thank you for the bread on our tables and the hope in our hearts. Thanks for your conviction, smile, interest and generous teachings. My deepest sympathies to the Boal family.
From: Ian Saville
Date: May 4th 2009, 21:44:50
I worked with Augusto for 2 weeks in 1990, and have seen him occasionally since then. He was a great teacher and a wonderful human being. He was full of fun, humanity and humour. He was the greatest safeguard against those who would have made his work into something dry, academic, dogmatic and sterile. He was constantly adapting his ideas, learning from the world, playing the great game of life. We shall miss this consummate player.
From: John B
Date: May 4th 2009, 21:40:12
Thank you for your work and inspiration. I am fortunate to have an inner facilitator/difficultator who speaks to me in your voice when I work. My thoughts now are with your family and those closest to you.
From: Jim Gallant
Date: May 4th 2009, 21:33:41
Dear Julian and all the members of the Boal family, I was so saddened to learn of Augusto’s death. It is truly like losing a family member, since Augusto made everyone who worked with him (and played) with him over the years feel like they were part of a family, one of solidarity and common bonding. I treasure having gotten to work with Augusto in New York and last year in Denver. I have learned so much from him about theatre and life, so much that will change my life forever. He lives on in all of us and, I know, will continue to excite and awaken people through the wonderful work of Julian. I think of Wordsworth’s lines about grief–“We will grieve not, rather find/ strength in what remains behind. There is and always will be such strength and beauty in what Augusto left the world. He will be missed, but always a part of us. Jim Gallant
From: Katharina Jost, Switzerland and Nova Scotia
Date: May 4th 2009, 21:32:31
Dear Augusto, with fondness I remember all you gave me / us, how we were able to learn and laugh and discuss and try. And I also picture you in my home, eating and drinking and liking flowered shirts. such a good mensch. I won’t forget what I learned and I won’t forget you. Farewell. Katharina
From: Solveig Wilder
Date: May 4th 2009, 21:29:07
I use the techniques of Theater of the Oppressed in my daily life. Nobody makes scenes like I do! It helps a little that Augusto Boal died on May Day.
From: JF Martel
Date: May 4th 2009, 21:13:14
Cher Augusto, Si tu influences la vie et l’engagement de tant de gens dans le monde, je dirais que c’est par l’alliance de ton humilité et de ton optimisme absolu: “oui, tu peux ne pas rester spectateur, mais devenir acteur, et changer le monde, la lutte contre les oppressions sera l’oeuvre des opprimés eux-mêmes” Cette humilité qui t’a fait t’effacer au profit de la méthode. La trajectoire de ma vie a changé en 1980 quand je t’ai rencontré ! C’était aussi la rencontre avec un homme et pas seulement une théorie : Ton regard sur les autres, ton optimisme, ton énergie, ton sourire, ta chaleur humaine. Merci à toi, le grand homme de théâtre, à la tenue bien éloignée des uniformes en vigueur, toi, tu accueillais d’abord chacun, si simplement. Ensuite, dans toutes ces années ensemble au Théâtre de l’Opprimé, malgré les difficultés, les divergences, toujours quelque chose me soutenait : ta confiance communicative. Combien de fois ai-je tenté d’imiter ton langage et ton accent pour me remonter le moral, en (me) disant” : “fais confiance à la méthode !” ou bien: “vas-y, mieux vaut l’excess que la carence” !!!! Et c’est frappant, comme l’as dit aussi Jean-Gab, que l’humilité a fait alliance avec la confiance dans la méthode, sûr de soi dans la méthode, même sans connaitre bien le contenu apporté par les stagaires, mais “faisant confiance ” ! Qu’est-ce-que j’ai appris !!! Pour que moi, militant pédagogique, simple instituteur en milieu rural-picard-français, je puisse travailler avec des groupes sociaux aussi variés : petits paysans, des ouvriers en grève, des Burkinabé, paysans indiens, juges, profs, élèves… Je vais pas faire la liste ! Mais pourquoi ? Parce que, vraiment, nous essayions d’apporter une mise en forme du langage, mais pas le contenu ! “Tout le monde peut faire du théâtre”. Certes, c’était une belle phrase, que je répétais avec plaisir dans les groupes que j’animais. Fondamentalement, je crois que cette confiance que tu nous faisais, nous nous devions, nous “tes jokers”, de l’accorder aux groupes et aux personnes avec qui nous travaillions ! Dans un stage que j’avais co-animé avec toi, à la question d’un participant “quelles qualités faut-il à ceux qui animent ces groupes?” Tu avais répondu “connaître la méthode et les techniques, pour pouvoir les oublier et se centrer sur les personnes, mais par dessus tout : aimer les gens”. Quand tu m’as demandé en 1991, avec d’autres du CTO, d’aller en Inde (à ta place ! ) transmettre la méthode à des paysans du Bengale, là je me suis demandé si c’était si vrai que ça que “tout le monde peut”… Ainsi, moi, vraiment, je peux aller si loin et transmettre la méthode ? Alors, avec mes camarades, on a a vaincu la peur, on a fait “confiance à la méthode”, et puis Sanjoy Ganguly et son équipe ont développé ensuite le plus grand groupe de TO du monde ! Tu avais raison : portons la méthode avec confiance, avec confiance dans qui ? … dans les gens, dans les opprimés. Le joker n’est pas là pour recueillir les applaudissements sur scène, mais pour que les opprimés qui jouent, réalisent l’énergie qui est en eux, leur créativité, l’énergie de poursuivre la lutte ! C’est ce que tu m’as fait comprendre. Depuis 1980 je n’ai eu de cesse de créer des groupes là où je travaillais : alors, En Vie, TOP, Pourquoi Pas, Actor, (parmi des centaines d’autres), ce sont un peu les tiens. Le 25 mars, après ton intervention à l’UNESCO, c’était donc notre dernière accolade fraternelle, on ne le savait pas, bien sûr, on se disait “à bientôt, à Rio”. Tu avais terminé ton texte pour la journée mondiale du théâtre par “être citoyens, mes amis, ce n’est pas vivre en société, c’est transformer la société dans laquelle nous vivons!”. Alors, un mot sur tes derniers messages : tu as voulu rassembler en juillet des jokers du monde entier, pour s’organiser et affirmer le TO comme outil de LUTTE, de lutte contre les oppressions ! Améliorer la communication, pourquoi pas, mais notre but n’est pas d’arrondir les angles entre oppresseurs et opprimés : l’oppression existe, et il faut la combattre. Ton message, cher Augusto, nous l’avons gardé. Et, ici, maintenant, plus tard et ailleurs, avec les copains, je suis bien décidé à le mettre en oeuvre, et tu vas nous y aider, car ton mouvement -le Théâtre de l’Opprimé- est vivant. Merci Augusto. Cécilia et Julian, et tous les jokers, je vous embrasse. Changer le théâtre et le monde ? Augusto, On va le faire ! Jean-François Martel et sa famille, les jokers de TOP-Théâtre de l’opprimé, Lille, France.
From: Gerald
Date: May 4th 2009, 21:12:27
Thank you for all you gave. And in return we can continue what you began with the same spirit and with joy.
From: margaret mc monagle
Date: May 4th 2009, 21:08:44
Your presence touched and changed will be sadly missed. but your work will live on forever in the minds and hearts of all those who believe in humanity and truth….. goddbye and thank you so much….
From: Herukhuti of Black Funk
Date: May 4th 2009, 21:07:42
This comes as a shock to me. I remember Augusto as he appeared to me in the ways people would talk about him before I had a chance to meet him. I remember Augusto as he appeared at the various trainings TOPLAB hosted here in New York. I remember Augusto as he appeared in his writings. I remember Augusto. I speak his name. I join this global community/movement of TO in celebrating his life and work. And I commit myself to continuing to do the work–advancing it, sharing it, and learning it. May Augusto’s journey to the realm of the ancestors be smooth and direct with grace and peace as his companions.
From: David Jordan
Date: May 4th 2009, 20:58:12
I will always remember Augusto’s teaching that if there was violence it was too late for theatre and that we must intervene before that. Goodbye and thank you.
From: Elisabeth Ameln
Date: May 4th 2009, 20:45:20
I met Augosto Boal only once at a workshop in NYC, but that meeting has reverberated as inspiration ever since. As a native of Norway I am keenly aware that he died on the May 1st, the Day of the Workers when people in Norway and other Scandinavian and European countries march for the rights of the workers. Thank you Augosto Boal.
From: LA OBRA Socio Teatral
Date: May 4th 2009, 20:37:19
Los obreos de nuestra humilde compañia, hacemos llegar un calido abrazo, desde los 3 puntos del planeta donde laboramos,a todos los compañeros que sienten la partida de Augusto. Su obra queda, su fuerza y consecuencia son la mejor herencia que nos ha dejado. Abrazos!!! Gisel S (Chile)
From: Kat
Date: May 4th 2009, 20:27:40
Because of his inspiration, because his work. I found a reason to be and a way to change my life. Augusto Boal gave me and my theatre company the base to excit. I owe him my reason to live. Thank you a lot for your existence in our world Mister Boal. You were the creator of a strong movement worldwide. Rest in peace! We were continuing the way with your spirit.
From: Uwe Eller
Date: May 4th 2009, 19:56:48
Augusto, I thank you for the inspiration and the wonderful weekend in the last year in Neuss, Germany. We are very saddened and I wish Julian and his family much strength, the painful loss to cope. Our thoughts are with you. Uwe
From: Thomas Haug
Date: May 4th 2009, 19:45:14
Gracias a Augusto Boal – a quien he conocido por practicar TdO sin haberlo podido conocer personalmente – aprendí lo que Bertolt Brecht una vez expresó con las siguientes palabras: “¡Preocupanse, cuando les toca partir del mundo, que no solamente fueron personas buenas, sino parten un mundo bueno!” Gracias y adiós, TOMÁS desde Schopfheim en el suroeste de Alemania.
From: Carry-Ann Tjong-Ayong
Date: May 4th 2009, 19:18:43
No te conozco personalmente, hermano no te conozco pero ya conozco tus ideas, tus ideales, y por eso te conozco mejor y siempre te conocere amigo hermano
From: Morgan F.P. Andrews (Morgão)
Date: May 4th 2009, 19:09:26
I cannot find words to express the feeling of loss in my heart. The news came right after we’d finished a T.O. workshop here in Philadelphia and my thoughts flew to those of you I know who were closest to him: Julian, Adrian, Claire, Sanjoy, Sima, Luc—my heart is with you all. Let us not be drowned in our tears, but find the buoyancy to continue this powerful work. I know that we will.
From: ien van nieuwenhuijzen
Date: May 4th 2009, 19:07:49
My most important friend, teacher and guide, it’s such a lost that you have gone. But what you learned me stays, stays deep inside, T.O is more than a beautiful and democratic method, it is a way of life. And, you know, with me there are many thousands of the T.O-family, who will go on to say to others: come nearer! Love, ien
From: Rachel Lally
Date: May 4th 2009, 18:21:09
Such sad news. A wise and insperational man has left the earth, but what a legacy he has left behind.
From: Filomena Campus & Theatralia
Date: May 4th 2009, 18:17:23
I have been so lucky to meet you, and I was deeply and irreversibly touched by your charismatic and contagious passion for theatre. Your teaching will be in every piece of theatre I’ll do and in the work with my theatre students. It will be in your name too and hope it will help others to have the ‘coragem de ser feliz’! Ciao Augusto! Filomena & Theatralia
From: Mary Duffin
Date: May 4th 2009, 17:49:52
His work and ideas touched me deeply and inspire me daily. The world has truly lost a great humanitarian. Mary, Ireland.
From: Michael Appleyard
Date: May 4th 2009, 17:36:55
When we first worked with Augusto and Julian, our group threw everything at them, testing them, their arsenal. They came up trumps and eventually became part of our family. A great loss. So Many Words – Salford, England
From: Lucie Fitchett
Date: May 4th 2009, 17:06:36
Thank you for caring, fighting and inspiring. The magic of your work and it’s resonances will live on. Don’t rest in peace but do enjoy a brief pause.